About the Data Analysis category

Enhance your ability to inspect, clean, and transform data with our data analysis workout exercises.

Extending the gym metaphor, this is intended as a weekly “full body” workout for your data analysis skills. We’re keeping this one wide open, so feel free to apply any and all tools in your Data Analyst stack to this exercise - Excel, Power BI, SQL, R, Python, Pandas, Polars, etc. We’re hoping to get a range of solutions each week that will allow you to cross-train/cross-learn and strengthen every one of your data analysis “muscles”.

When you have completed the workout, just post your code and a screenshot of your results. Please blur or hide the details of your code using the forum features.

This post is part of the Enterprise DNA platform initiative to provide information about Workouts | Data Analysis.

To ask any questions on the content covered in this category please start a new topic within the forum. You may check this how-to guide for reference - How To Use The Enterprise DNA Support Forum.

Thank you!

