[404] error - ChatGPT link from Starting Out Learning Power BI from Scratch in 2024 PDF Guide

Upon clicking on the link inside the " Starting Out Learning Power BI from Scratch in 2024" guide on the https://app.enterprisedna.co/app/resources page, I get a 404 error.

This is the link from the Starting Out guide throwing the [404] error:: https://enterprisedna.co/courses/chatgpt-for-power-bi-users

Hi there,
I’m not getting an error when i go from the “Resource Guide” tab

click on Guides on the Dashborad

Click on Download button
It will open a new window within website

either you can print the pdf file…red arrow
Save the file to a folder…Blue arrow
top right hand corner

Maybe you need to clear cache or restart your browser.

I hope this helps.

Thank you - I used the path you suggested and downloaded the file with no issues. I do believe the link referenced from the deck I mentioned in my original reporting of this [404] error should also be fixed, but for now, thanks to you I have the workaround to get what I need.

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Hi @mtyler306
I didn’t get the error when i did it from process that I layed out above for the Starting Out Learning Power BI from Scratch in 2024 ".

Course for Chaggpt for power bi users seems to working fine. how did you get the error on that course?

If you can give more information on how what you were doing then EnterpriseDna team can look at it.

Maybe it was just a one time thing.


I tried the link again today from a completely different computer using Microsoft EDGE (different browser).

My steps:

  1. Click on GUIDES, click on Learning PowerBI from Scratch in 2024 PDF download button.
  2. I get to this page: https://fs.enterprisedna.co/resources/files/ahB-starting-out-learning-power-bi-from-scratch.pdf
  3. Scroll down to page 9 - section 8: EMBRACE AI
  4. Click on link (link address: https://enterprisedna.co/courses/chatgpt-for-power-bi-users )
  5. 404 error

Cleared cache.

ok i see what you mean when you click on the link within the guides (download file)


Please review the download file the links are not working in the pdf file when you click on the link
Ie Embrace AI

gives you a 404 error.

Please review.
