September 16, 2021, 6:52pm
Hi @jmwdba ,
You are leveraging the auto date/time ‘feature’ in Power BI.
My advise would be to disable that (globally) always incorporate a proper date table in your model - if that includes a date column anywhere. Don’t forget to mark that, as a Date Table. Once that’s in place you can include FY columns in your calculations.
Two Examples from the M showcase category:
Hi everyone,
To make it easier to find I’ve placed the updated Power Query M code function for the extended Date Table / Dates Table in the category where it belongs… I hope you’ll find it useful and if there are any questions, just reach out and let me know!
// August 2022
There has been an overhaul of the M code from when it was initially shared. This affects column names and values. In the Analyst Hub (follow this link) you can copy a version of Extended Date table which returns a r…
Hi all,
There have been requests for a basic Date table that includes week logic centered around the start- / end of week dates AND/OR fiscal weeks. Both will start on the selected Start of week day but the first creates weeks of 7 days when crossing over into the next calendar year and the second weeks with <= 7 days around each fiscal year start and -enddate, as illustrated below.
Copy this M code script into a new blank query.
let fnDateTable = (StartDate as date, EndDate …
I hope this is helpful
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