3YR Average by Month

I thought there was a video about creating 3YR Averages but I cannot seem to find it.

Hi @jmwdba
Could you please explain more what do you need?
Do you mean that you need to create 3 Years Average of sth, revenue for example?

Correct the revenue by month for the last 3 years by calendar year, I need to take the average by month.

Hi @jmwdba,

I think about a formula but without data itā€™s difficult to answer to you.
Have you tried something like that : AVERAGEX( VALUES( [Month & Year] ), [Total Revenue] ) ?

This kind of formula gives you the average monthly revenue.

Best regard,

What I used for now is the following formula. The thing with Power BI is never knowing what the best approach is and if there is a better way to do something.

Registrations rolling average = 
	ERROR("Time intelligence quick measures can only be grouped or filtered by the Power BI-provided date hierarchy or primary date column."),
	VAR __LAST_DATE = ENDOFYEAR('Dates'[Date].[Date])

Is your formula working ?

If you want a rolling average, maybe you need to put Date instead of _LAST_DATE in the DATESBETWEEN ?
Iā€™m not sure, without example itā€™s more difficult to answer to youā€¦

Best regards,

Hi @jmwdba, did the response provided by the other users and exerts help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.

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Hi @jmwdba, weā€™ve noticed that no response has been received from you since August 27. We just want to check if you still need further help with this post? In case there wonā€™t be any activity on it in the next few days, weā€™ll be tagging this post as Solved.

Hi @jmwdba, due to inactivity, a response on this post has been tagged as ā€œSolutionā€.

If you have a follow question or concern related to this topic, please remove the Solution tag first by clicking the three dots beside Reply and then untick the check box.

The measure provided above that is being used (also included below for reference) technically "works " for a portion of the year. Our organizationā€™s fiscal year starts July 1 and ends June 30. What happens when weā€™re looking at the 3 year averages with our formula is that the values for July through December for FY19 are missing in the data set, which is causing incorrect averages for those months.

We would like to reflect our fiscal year start and end to be ā€˜July 1ā€™ and ā€˜June 30ā€™ instead of the standard ā€˜Jan 1ā€™ to ā€˜Dec 31ā€™ stard/end. Is this possible to do within the formula below? Or would there be a different measure that would need to be used to accommodate our fiscal year?

Registrations rolling average =
ERROR(ā€œTime intelligence quick measures can only be grouped or filtered by the Power BI-provided date hierarchy or primary date column.ā€),
VAR __LAST_DATE = ENDOFYEAR(ā€˜Datesā€™[Date].[Date])
CALCULATETABLE(SUMMARIZE(VALUES(ā€˜Datesā€™), ā€˜Datesā€™[Date].[Year]), __DATE_PERIOD),

Hi @jmwdba,

You are leveraging the auto date/time ā€˜featureā€™ in Power BI.

My advise would be to disable that (globally) always incorporate a proper date table in your model - if that includes a date column anywhere. Donā€™t forget to mark that, as a Date Table. Once thatā€™s in place you can include FY columns in your calculations.

Two Examples from the M showcase category:

I hope this is helpful

1 Like

Hi @Melissa ,

Thanks for your response.

From your message, I disabled the ā€œauto date/timeā€ in the current report, as this is for a special report and auto data/time is not an issue in our other reports.

Also, I marked our ā€˜Datesā€™ table as a ā€œData Tableā€. This caused a couple of our rolling measures to break that were using some of the hierarchy components (i.e. ā€˜Datesā€™[Date].[Year], ā€˜Datesā€™[Date].[Month], etc). I set the ā€˜Dateā€™ as the ā€œDate Columnā€ for the date table. However, when I try creating a new date hierarchy to be within the ā€˜Dateā€™ field, it creates the hierarchy as a separate fieldā€¦and I am unable to use the components of the hierarchy in the measure to fix them.



Iā€™m trying to understand what I may be missing after Iā€™ve disabled auto date/time and marked our ā€˜Datesā€™ table as a data table in order to get the hierarchy.

Regarding your comment, ā€œOnce thatā€™s in place you can include FY columns in your calculationsā€, does that imply that date hierarchies wouldnā€™t be needed in the measures, but instead FY columns (i.e. FY Quarter, FY MonthNo, etc.) would replace them?

Thank you.

maybe providing your power bi file will help and using the date table that Mellisa M code will help too

Precisely, those columns are attributes of a Date and their purpose is to filter, slice and dice your data by. Found an older post that might be of interest to you, just amend it to fit your scenario.

Hi @Keith,

Unfortunately due to confidential organizational data, I am unable to share the data file. This would require approval from Info Security Team. Also, it would take some time to set up a report with dummy data to reflect the actual scenario.



Thanks for the information. Iā€™ll see if Iā€™m able to get the end result weā€™re looking for. I appreciate the help.

Generally - a sample of dummy data is good enough for forum members to work with. We donā€™t need to see your actual data (most of us are dealing with sensitive data, so we do understand that :wink: )
What is needed is something that represents your problem - so an example of the relative tables and measures.

The post below provides some excellent information on building out a dummy dataset for use in requesting help from the forum.

HI @jmwdba
Yes i understand that fully but the EDNA Team has put together a process that you can mask the data.

please see the below link

this will help us all

Hi @jmwdba,

Made some changes to your measure, hopefully you can translate this to your production file and it gets you the expected result. Nothing more I can do, really, without a sample fileā€¦

Note. Your dates table needs to include full Fiscal Years.

Registrations rolling average =
    ISFILTERED( 'Dates'[Date] ),
    ERROR( "Time intelligence quick measures can only be grouped or filtered by the Power BI-provided date hierarchy or primary date column." ),
        CALCULATE( MAX( 'Dates'[Date] ), DATESYTD( 'Dates'[Date], "30-6" ) )
            CALCULATE( MIN( 'Dates'[Date] ), DATESYTD( 'Dates'[Date], "30-6" ) ),
            DATEADD( 'Dates'[Date], -3, YEAR )
        DATESBETWEEN( 'Dates'[Date], __FIRST_DATE, __LAST_DATE )
                SUMMARIZE( 'Dates', 'Dates'[Fiscal Year] ),
            CALCULATE( [Registrations], ALLEXCEPT( 'Dates', 'Dates'[Fiscal Year] ) )

I hope this is helpful

Hello @jmwdba, good to see that you are having progress with your inquiry. Did the response from the users and experts help you solve your inquiry?

If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.

If not, like @Keith mentioned above, kindly send us your masked PBIX file.

Here are some videos that may help you masking sensitive data and create datasets and data models representative of your problem: