100% Stacked Column Chart


In 100% stacked column chart, there are categories which doesn’t show up due to limited space. There is a zoom feature, but users don’t like it.


I did a tool tip but the limitation is it just shows that category level which we hover over on which mean just 75.4% or 7.3% but I am looking for all the groups in a table in tool tip . something like this

For e.g.:


any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

how about a custom tooltip?

  • Set up an additional page as tooltip style (see Page information & Page size settings on the Tooltip tab)
    Note: you can change the size of the tooltip page to suit your needs - I just left mine as the default
  • Add your required table for the tooltip result
  • On the Tooltip tab, make sure the “Keep all filters” toggle is turned OFF
  • Hide the tooltip tab, so report viewers will only see it when they interact with the proper visual
  • back on your report tab, for the column chart, change tooltip from Default to type “Report page”, and then set the name of the page (in my sample I called it Tooltip)

when you mouse over your report, you should get something like this:

eDNA Solution - Tooltip showing all values.pbix (16.7 KB)


Thanks @Heather. this is exactly what I needed!

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