Visuals in Power Bi Service are different than in Desktop

Hi, I have a visual as ‘Line and Stacked Column Chart’ that when published on Power BI Service, misses some of the measures.
I changed the visual to Table and Ribbon line and measures are still there.

what is the reason some of the measures do not make it show up?

Appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.

Picture 1 - as shown in Desktop

Picture 2 - as seen in Power BI Service

Hi, @Irina

Are you able to provide the .pbix. that way I can do some testing to see what is affecting it?


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Hi, thank you for quick reply.
I am affraid I cannot provide the PBix due to sensitive data, but also Direct Query to a database one would need access to. I will try to download some data in an excel and recreate some of the measures and visuals. That might make some time. In meantime, if you have any suggestion, i would be very grateful.

regards irina

Hi @Irina, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster.

  • Use the forum search to discover if your query has been asked before by another member.

  • Provide as much context to a question as possible.

  • Include the masked demo pbix file.

I also suggest that you check the forum guideline How To Use The Enterprise DNA Support Forum. Not adhering to it may sometimes cause delay in getting an answer.

Please also check the How To Mask Sensitive Data thread for some tips on how to mask your pbix file.

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No worries, whenever you can. Meanwhile, instead of publishing the file to the Service, get the file in a workspace using Get Data. this is the option that you will see at the bottom left of the page, in Service.

For this to work effectively, you can choose to save the local copy of the file in OneDrive or in SharePoint. Alternatively you can also “get data” from your local machine using the local copy.

One you retrieve the .pbix to service using the method specified above, have a look at the functionality to check if the measure appears or not. If there is an error message associated with the visual, please let us know.

Hope this helps,

Good afternoon,

I am experiencing a similar issue right now. I have a Line Chart with 2 Primary Y values and 2 Secondary Y values and months as the X axis as per below:

  • PY1 - Sales per month Current Year
  • PY2 - Sales per month Last Year
  • SY1 - Order Volume per month Current Year
  • SY2 - Order Volume per month Last Year

The chart works perfectly in the desktop version and displays all 4 Y axis measures as expected.

However, when I publish the report to Service, the PY1 value is not visible - see the legend which only shows Metric LY (Sales), Vol CY & Vol LY:

Oddly, the value seems to be present because it shows in the Filters section:


In addition, if I edit the Service version and delete the PY2 value then the missing PY1 line reappears on the chart - see the legend which displays Metric CY (Sales), Vol CY & Vol LY:

Is there a limit to the number of values that can be displayed on the Service version of the Line Chart which isn’t present in the Desktop version.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



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Thank you for sharing.

I dont think there is a limit -

  1. it did work before, it stopped working after 1 feb.
  2. I made it work in a copy of a historic file
    (I saved a copy from 21 jan, added a new page and made the visual from scratch, then I copied the visual from the old page, put it close to the new visual, and uploaded to the Service. To my surprise and confusion the new visual did capture all the measures, not the old one). Is it fluck/random? or sth was done to the file later than 21 jan? I dont know.
  3. I did edit in Service too - I took the measures out of the visual and put them back in, and all (5) of them appeared in the visual (though this can be a temporary solution, it is not Best Practice)

I also made a copy of the visual and change it to Table, Ribbon, Line… visual and all measures appear in the service. I though memory might be a problem, but i dont think so…

I will keep trying.

I let you know if I find the reason or a solution.
Regards, i.

@ Karl.

I just tested with a super simplified version of the model.

I put in excel dummy columns and replicated the visual. and measures come through to the service.

As mentioned i have a heavy model with a lot of complicated measures, and i am tempted to concluded that is the memory that is the problem.

My next step is to start from scratch and optimize at every step.

Good morning Irina,

thank you very much for your responses, I appreciate you taking the time.

I posted the same enquiry above, to the Micorsoft Power BI forum yesterday afternoon and received a suggestion a few hours later that I have since tested successfully.

The issue, it appears, is with the Conditional Titles that I’d included with the report which uses a metric selection slicer to allow the user to select either Order Volume, Value or Margin.

I’d incorporated Conditional Titles to adjust their value based on the selected metric but when removed, as per the advice I’d received on the MS PBI forum, my missing measures magically reappeared on the affected charts.

The responder did also mention that installing the latest update also had a positive affect but I am already using the latest version so cannot confirm whether this is the case.

I hope this helps you and resolves the issue and please do let me know either way.

Thank you once again.




Thanks @Karl.
I am glad it worked for you.

I upgraded yesterday the Desktop to decebmber2020 version. Did not make a difference.
I also have slicers and dynamic Titles/Headers (using switch). Deleting the headers did work to for some of the visuals, but not for all.

Still figuring out.

Thanks again. and Good luck going forward.

Hi @Irina, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since the 11th of February. We just want to check if you still need further help with this post? In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved. If you have a follow question or concern related to this topic, please remove the Solution tag first by clicking the three dots beside Reply and then untick the checkbox. Thanks!

I publish a Power BI Desktop (Report) on Power BI Service and elements of a graph do not make it through. I wonder what would be the problem.

Picture 1 - as it shows in the Desktop

Picture 2 as it shows in the Service

I tried different things in attempt to find a reason and a solution:
*I changed the browser

  • published on my workspace and organizational
  • I took a file from history (20 january).
  • I switched lables and headers off.
  • I changed from prod to test environement
  • I deleted some of the visuals (in case its a memory issue)
  • Organizations Power BI version is November 2020 (not December 2020 yet).

Did anyone come across the same problem?
Can anyone help!

Thank you in advance.


I did some research on this, and it’s a known bug within Power BI. Here’s a long community thread about it, and I screenshot the post that reflects the consensus opinion as to the best way to solve the problem. I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian


Hi Brian
Thank you for reply - appreciate your suggestion.

It helps to know that a bug maybe the reason. However, I am puzzeled by couple of things:

  1. it did work perfectly for the last couple of months, it stopped working after 1 february
  2. if it is a bug many experienced since 2017, why it is not fixed yet?

I found a temporary solution - by editing directly in the Power BI Service, but this is not Best Practice imo, and I dont want to do this going forward.

I continue investigating. keep you posted.
Regards, irina.

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Hi @Irina, did the response provided by @BrianJ help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!

Hi @Irina, we’ve noticed that you created two threads with a similar topic. We merged your inquiry and answers in this thread.

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There has been no response has been received from you since the 10th of February.

We just want to check if you still need further help with this post? In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved. Thanks!

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