Using ABS Function in DAX Measure

EDNA Forum Good Day!
The following: Dax measure is giving me a negative number, but I need for it to show a positive number. How can I insert the ABS Function into this Dax measure to make the value positive. I’m also open to any other suggestions

Much appreciate your time.

Thank you
Net Timing = CALCULATE(SUM(metricssalescustomer[amount]),metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1] = “Lost - Timing” || metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1] = “Decline - Timing” || metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1]= “Upsell - Timing”|| metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1] = “New - Timing”)

Hi @ambidextrousmentally,

Just wrap ABS around CALCULATE

Net Timing =
        CALCULATE( SUM( metricssalescustomer[amount] ),
            metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1] = "Lost - Timing"
            || metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1] = "Decline - Timing"
            || metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1] = "Upsell - Timing"
            || metricssalescustomer[sales_type_lvl1] = "New - Timing"

I hope this is helpfuf

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