I’ve got an issue which I have been able to replicate in the attached mockup: URL Formatting Issue.pbix (105.6 KB)
I have a table of Enquiries, with Class, Enquiry ID, Enquiry URL, Enquiry Date and Order Date. I have two relationships to my dates table, the primary being on Enquiry Date and a inactive on Order Date.
I then have two measures:
Enquiries - Count of rows
Orders - Count of rows, where Order Date is not blank and a USERELATIONSHIP on Order Date.
I then have a Orders page in my report which contains a Matrix summarising orders by Year and Month and underneath a detail table showing the order line detail.
To get the Order Details to match the numbers, I have to include my Orders Measure. This all works fine.
However I then want to add a URL link to the Class field, using Conditional Formatting - Web URL. This is where it goes wrong. Power BI is only applying the hyperlink to the records which have a natural relationship on Enquiry Date and not the records on Order Date.
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@Mark It looks like the Orders measure uses the inactive relationship which is why it shows as 2, but the conditional format uses an implicit measure (not specifically created) that does not utilize the inactive relationship and instead uses the active relationship only (on enquiry date). So that is why it then only chooses the URL with Enquiry Date and Order Date in Feb 2021 and not the one with enquiry date in Jan.