Unable to download videos

I’m working through the main training areas and hit a snag.

While going through the module named Mastering Report Development - Start to Finish I find that there is no download link for each of the videos in the series.

Is there a reason for this?? I like to be able to have an off-line copy to review when in places that have no Internet.


Hello @GuyJohnson, the resources and videos for the Mastering Report Development is now downloadable.

Let us know if you need any further assistance. Thanks!

I am having the same problem and can’t download videos and resources from any of the course. @EnterpriseDNA @sam.mckay
I have checked multiple courses but none of them has download link.

Pls help in this regard as I will be traveling to places in next week where I have limited/no internet connectivity.


hi there,
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