While running Rankx formula I noticed slightly error when I filter the dates few amounts are not ranked correctly, 3 is double-counted and 52 is missing. Is there any way to avoid this?
The formula pattern is exactly the same as @sam.mckay uses in Mastering Dax Calculations the only difference is that my Tenants table is build using Addcolumns Value function.
The difference between a Value and Values is Value converts your text number into a Numeric data type i.e typed string, “3”, into the numeric value 3 whereas Values is a table function which will provide you with the list of values in a column. for eg. use New Table option and type VALUES( Products[Product Name] ) and you’ll receive a list of all the product names in a column.
Hoping you find this useful and helps you in understanding the concept in a better way.
Also in addition to what Harsh said, VALUE can also be used to convert date time in string to decimal number where integer part is the day since 12/31/1899 and the decimal part is time, example:
Measure 2 = VALUE("1/1/2020 12pm")
Fun fact you can achieve the same result in first picture with just a or p instead of am or pm