The November Update is Out and it Looks INCREDIBLE!

I’ve had to uninstall the November update as I’m getting the below error whenever I try to open a PBIX. Rolled back to the October update and works fine.


One other MAJOR warning about the November upgrade is in preview mode of the new format panel when you create a button or add an image or shape, there is no longer a way to assign an action to that item (WTF?!).

Somehow, somebody thought just putting that fact in a list of “known issues” was sufficient…

You don’t have to uninstall the update to remedy this problem – just turn off the new panel in the list of preview options.

In terms of the Page Navigator and Bookmark Navigator, I’ve been playing around a lot with those two new features, and my Friday and Monday YouTube videos will address each one respectively. Bottom line is that IMO both features are quite well done but each have significant downsides that may make your use of them relatively infrequent. I will elaborate more in each video.

– Brian

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Are you aware of our Power BI Accelerator initiative? It’s a new program we started this year for relatively new users in exactly your situation. It’s an intensive 11-round program, where we develop a problem set focused on a number of foundational Power BI topics and provide a series of “learning resources” (video links, blog articles, etc.) to help you work through the problems as well as support on the forum. Then @sam.mckay and I run a live solution session where we provide a detailed lecture on the key points and then do a walkthrough of the solution to the problem sets.

It’s not easy, and I won’t claim it will make you an expert in 11 lessons (although based on some pretty incredible progress the program stalwarts are making, I also won’t rule out that possibility…), but I absolutely promise it will get you well past the “forumula and hope” stage and give you a very solid foundation moving forward.

We are currently on Round #7. You can either catch up on-line (all materials for each round are available in the learning portal) or we will be starting another live cohort early in calendar year 2022. I’d recommend you give it a look.

  • Brian
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I wasn’t! but this sounds Great!
How do I go about signing up.
I believe I will wait until 2022 to begin at this point, with year end. Thanks Brian

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@JDopson ,

I’ll send out a message on the forum, and we’ll also note in the weekly email newsletter when we’re going to start the next cohort. I suspect it will be mid-January, after everyone’s back from the holidays. Look forward to seeing you there!

  • Brian
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That’s a shame to hear, look forward to the videos and hopefully it’ll still be useful for me.

At the moment, all my reports have a hamburger menu that opens/closes a panel with buttons to navigate to the different pages. So, adding a new page becomes a chore of adding a button to each of those bookmarks, formatting accordingly etc. I was hoping this might get rid of that problem completely, which it seemed to from the preview video they did but we’ll see!

There is another issue with Power Automate visuals. Doesn’t allow do nothing.

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