I’m trying to create a slicer that excludes a “product description (groups)” with “total balances” below $100. I cannot wrap my head around the logic. Can someone WAY smarter than me help?
Sample file attached.
Sample File.pbix (257.1 KB)
I’m trying to create a slicer that excludes a “product description (groups)” with “total balances” below $100. I cannot wrap my head around the logic. Can someone WAY smarter than me help?
Sample file attached.
Sample File.pbix (257.1 KB)
if I understand what you are asking - you can actually do this fairly easily,
sample is attached (note that I had to add a filter to your page of “Age = 3” in order to even get to a result where total balances was less than $100 for the entire group
eDNA solution - Sample with filtered slicer.pbix (257.6 KB)
Yes, that worked. Thank you!