Show the product of columns in a matrix column total

I have the following matrix that I’d like to determine the “product” of each visible column by row


The current total column I want to be the product by month.

For example left to right for July (95.76% * 99.37% * 86.25% * 99.76% * 99.52% * 96.55% * 96.65%) the result is 75.25%

I wrote a DAX measure to get the correct “product”, per the following…

FPY Total = 
        ALLSELECTED( 'Cost Ctr'[Cost Ctr] ) ,
        [FPY %]

However when i add to the matrix i get the following


I know i can turn of the Column subtotals off in the format window of the matrix, but how can i show a single column with the measure FPY Total

Best Regards

Hello @jprlimey,

Thank You for posting your query onto the Forum.

You can hide the un-necessary columns by following the steps as provided below -

1). Go to the Format menu and turn-off the “Word Wrap” for the “Column Headers”, “Row Headers”, if there any and for the “Values” part.

2). Now, move your mouse cursor at the top between the two columns and the cursor will get converted into the “Double - Headed Arrow”.

3). Once it gets converted into the “Double - Headed Arrow”, drag the column that you don’t want showcase into the reports from “Right to Left” and those columns will be hidden.

Hoping you find this useful and meets your requirements that you’ve been looking for. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks and Warm Regards,

Hi @jprlimey ,

You can also look into this topic.
That might be helpful.

@Harsh and @Melissa ,

Thank you both for your quick responses, I successfully changed the matrix to my requirement!

It really is simple once you’ve done it once.

Thanks again :grinning:
