Sets comparison over disconnected tables

Hi Roberto,

Concept :

Base = Each Account to be compared with Asset and vice versa
Contra = Each Asset compared with each account and vice versa

Conditions to come to those listings are:
A) Account/Asset is Contra from Base (comparing assets with accounts and vice versa)
B) The Requirement Contra is the same as Base
C) Number of requirements per Contra is smaller or equal number requirements Base
D) Contra has NOT a requirement which Base does not have

Determining numbers (how many assets qualify per account and vice versa) is possible and available in Excel VBA, possibly with DAX as well (?), a list is something completely else . .

    • How do you currently group or categorize which assets qualify for accounts and vice versa ?
    • How should the report look like ?

From your example, with only 6 accounts, you have already some possibilities (you mentioned you have more then 20 requirements):
category1 : minimal req 1 or/and 2 or/and 3 or/and 4, not requirement 5
category2: only req 2, no other requirement
category3: min req 1 or/and req2, no other requirement
category4: min req 3 or/and req4, no other requirement
category5: min req 4 or/and req5, no other requirement
category5: all qualify

Kind regards, deltaselect