Service Planning Based On Frequency

Hey All,

I am wondering what would be the most efficient way to create a calendar and calculate the number of scheduled visits. The dataset I have is something like:

Customer Name Visit Type Frequency Base Month
Customer I Service A 3 1
Customer II Service A 6 5
Customer III Service B 12 9

Frequency means how often we need to visit customers and base month means in which month we start, for example:

  • Customer I will be visited every 3 months starting in January (January-April-July-October-January-…etc)

  • Customer II will be visited every 6 months starting in May (May-November-May-…etc)

Ideally I would like to create a calendar (matrix) showing Service Types/Customers in rows and in Months in columns to understand how I need to plan my work. For example, how many visits (which service types) I have in January, February, etc.

This is a true head-scratcher for me as I have literally no idea how to tackle it…

thank you in advance for every tip!

Hi @marek.regulski

I’m assuming frequency 3,6,12…is quarterly, half yearly and yearly…

Service Planning.pbix (28.0 KB)

Hi @Rajesh

Yes, exactly. Is there any DAX/M I could use to transform my table into the format you have in your PBIX?

Thank you!

Hi @marek.regulski

Please check the M code…

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