RLS & Join Path Tree Issue

Hi All,

I’m new to using and implementing RLS and require some assistance.

I have a star schema data model setup and all table relationships are 1 to many. Where cross filtering is required, I have avoided using the Bi directional physical table relationships and instead used them in my measures.

However when I use the RLS I get an error:


This is the DAX code i used at the main lookup table (Apps Table) from where everything is joined

    FILTER (
        'Apps User Join',
        'Apps User Join'[User ID]
            = LOOKUPVALUE ( User[User ID], User[User ID], USERNAME())
    "App ID", 'Apps User Join'[App ID]


@adsa Can you share sample data? I have encountered this issue before just can’t remember how I solved it.

@AntrikshSharma Been at this problem for the past few days and it doesn’t cause an issue in a basic test model. After going through all my table relationships, I had to change 1 table filter direction to bi directional and everything else worked.