Help… trying to get these three variables returned each in a row. The result will have Years in columns across the table and each of the three variables as a row showing quantity for each Year.
I get this error message: “The expression refers to multiple columns. Multiple columns cannot be converted to a scalar value.”
Here’s the DAX formula I am trying to write. Thanks for your help.
Net volume =
VAR OilVol = [Net Oil (Mbbl)]
VAR GasVol = [Net Gas (MMcf)]
VAR NGLVol = [Net NGL (Mgal)]
ROW ( "Oil", OilVol, "Gas", GasVol, "NGL", NGLVol )
Any reason why you can’t just rotate the table and have the years in one column. This is far more optimal for creating visualisation inside of Power BI.
Then you could use;
SUMMARIZE( Sales, Dates[Years],
…then add all you VARs here within the summarize table