Power BI Challenge 8 - Jira IT Service Desk Analysis

My submission for this new challenge, as always, looking for all your views and suggestions.

Working file attached, so please check and provide your constructive feedbacks.
So much to learn from you all.



Hi All.

Here is my submission for eDNA C8.

(Edit: 1. added note after PTW link)
(Edit: 2. added screenshot of SLA supporting table)

Thanks to @datazoe who noticed and commented that the Python Ring Chart was not displaying properly when using PTW; apparently neither R nor Python visuals are supported when using PTW

Here are the notes I kept during development:


What I liked:

  • I’ve been gravitating towards simplicity for the last few challenges (even while producing complex but visually compelling reports), and feel that I’ve found my “happy place” in this challenge submission, with its standard white background and simple, small, and familiar navigation
  • Rather than choosing a colour palette myself (I’m an engineer by training, so by no means would I impose my graphical sense on others), I went to the colour experts and used a palette they had chosen; I really like the results and it certainly freed-up time for me
  • I’m happy with the categorization of priority, status, and type into 3 groups each, and feel that the simple column charts on the summary page of the report effectively show trends without becoming overwhelmed by detail
  • I’m happy to have implemented at least a partially-successful Ring Chart in Python; I can see great opportunities for future Python visual development as my Python and statistical knowledge both increase
  • I’m pleased with the results of avoiding blanks in numerical measures by appending a “+ 0” onto the end of each; I can see this becoming a standard practice with me
  • I’m pleased with finding a method of easily working with custom smart narratives (write text first with placeholders for the measures, write the measures, replace the placeholders with the measures [which are now the “values”] [and name the variables to match the measures], save the values, then last of all format the values)

What I didn’t like/what needs more work:

  • I was not able to figure out (in the time I allowed myself for this challenge) how to add the data labels for the percentages themselves into the Python Ring Chart, and so resorted to a “hack” by adding 3 standard Power BI Card visuals, 1 with each of the 3 percentages; a full implementation in Python would have been preferred
  • I did figure out how to implement a 2-item dataset (category, value) sample into a Python Ridge Plot, but was unable able to figure out (again, in the time I allowed myself for this challenge) how to properly extend the sample into a Python Ridge Plot with a 3-item dataset (project, date, issue count)
  • I’m discouraged I didn’t get the opportunity to explore the “watchers” further (in the time I’d allotted myself for this challenge); I figured out the data model well, but didn’t have time to analyze it properly (or actually at all)
  • I’m discouraged I didn’t get the opportunity to explore the parent-child hierarchies further (sigh, again, at the risk of repeating myself, in the time I allotted myself for this challenge); again, I figured out the data model but ran out of time before I could explore this in visualizations


  • I was inspired by the simplicity of @sam.mckay’s eDNA Challenge #6 submission, with its solid-colour sidebar and white body, and wanted to challenge myself to take this as far as I could and try to minimize the “chrome” as much as possible
    Power BI Challenge 6 - Insurance Complaints - #120 by sam.mckay
  • Ever since I saw the use of multiple overlapping donut charts in @Walter’s eDNA Challenge #2 submission, I’ve been on the lookout for an easy way to re-create this.
    Power BI Challenge 2 - Customer Insight - #35 by Walter
  • With my son taking an Introduction to Python programming course in university this year, I seized the opportunity the explore Python visuals inside Power BI and am pleased with the results. The method of “attaching” Power BI datasets and measures to a Power BI Python visual is the same as for other visuals (i.e., drag-and-drop). Once the data is available within the Python visual, however, the complexity begins and a thorough knowledge of the use of Python mathematical packages is in order; I’ve just scratched the surface and would need to make a concerted effort to improve my statistical chops before attempting to use this visual in a production report.


  • used Power BI Desktop October 2020 release (Build 2.86.727.0, date published 10/19/2020)


  • challenge myself to try and minimize the Chrome as much as possible, using simple sidebars created in PowerPoint and familiar navigation (same as iPhone/iPad and Microsoft Teams, for example)
  • to allocate a much higher percentage of my challenge preparation time to data preparation and analysis rather than to visualization niceties/themeing (in sharp contrast to my previous challenge entries)
  • to gain more experience with the Smart Narratives visual
  • to gain more experience on how to use Python visuals within Power BI
  • to gain experience handling Parent-Child hierarchies in Power BI

Assumptions / Characterizations:

  • this was my first time working with a JIRA dataset, so researched standard workflows and statuses to assign the available statuses to one of the three what seemed to me) standard status categories: To Do, In Progress, and Done. The assignments used in this analysis were:
    • To Do:
      • Accepted by Assignee, Awaiting IT Security Course Completion, Open, Opened, Pending, Waiting for approval
    • In Progress:
      • Awaiting Verifier, In Progress, Verified, Waiting for customer, Waiting for support, Work in progress
    • Done:
      • Canceled, Closed, Completed, Done, Resolved

Here’s the code for the calculated column:

Status Category = 
VAR _DoneList = { "Canceled", "Closed", "Completed", "Done", "Resolved" }
VAR _InProgressList = { "Awaiting Verifier", "In Progress", "Verified", "Waiting for customer", "Waiting for support", "Work in progress" }
VAR _ToDoList = { "Accepted by Assignee", "Awaiting IT Security Course Completion", "Open", "Opened", "Pending", "Waiting for approval" }

    'Status'[Status] IN _ToDoList, "To Do", 
    'Status'[Status] IN _InProgressList, "In Progress",
    'Status'[Status] IN _DoneList, "Done",
  • I renamed [Priority] to [Description], then assigned a shortened [Priority]

Here’s the code:

Priority = 
    Priorities[Description] = "Highest", "P1", 
    Priorities[Description] = "High", "P2",
    Priorities[Description] = "Medium", "P3",
    Priorities[Description] = "Low", "P4",
    Priorities[Description] = "Minor", "P5",
  • I assigned the 5 priority levels into 3 priority categories as follows:
    • High: Highest, High
    • Medium: Medium
    • Low: Low, Minor

Here’s the code for the calculated column:

Priority Category = 
VAR _HighList = { "Highest", "High" }
VAR _MediumList = { "Medium" }
VAR _LowList = { "Low", "Minor" }

    Priorities[Description] IN _HighList, "High", 
    Priorities[Description] IN _MediumList, "Medium",
    Priorities[Description] IN _LowList, "Low",

– I assigned the types into 3 type categories as and used a calculated column to implement this as follows:

Here’s the code:

Type Category = 
VAR _BugList = { "Break/fix Response", "Corrective Action Plan" }
VAR _TrainingList = { "Internal Process", "New User Request" }
VAR _GeneralList = { "POA&M Milestone Subtask",  "Service Request", "Service Request with Approvals", "Sub-task", "Task" }

    Types[Type] IN _BugList, "Bug", 
    Types[Type] IN _TrainingList, "Training",
    Types[Type] IN _GeneralList, "General",

Python Notes:

  • as noted above, a thorough knowledge of the use of Python mathematical packages is required to effectively use the Python visual within Power BI
    • for the Ring Chart, the pandas, matplotlib, and numpy package libraries were used to explore modifications to and extensions of a standard one-level donut chart as a 3-level ring chart
    • (didn’t get a satisfactory implementation, so left the Ridge Plot out of the report, but am including my notes anyway for posterity) for the Ridge Plot (or Joy Plot or Overlapping Area Chart), the pandas, matplotlib, numpy, and scipy package libraries were used to explore the modifications to a standard area chart
  • the Python visual is interactive and respects filters and slicer selections from other Power BI visuals, but my understanding is that each time the Python visual has to be redrawn (i.e., after a dataset change), the underlying data is written to disk as a CSV file and is then “pulled” back into the Python visual as a static screenshot. As such, tooltips are not available.
  • I am a verbose coder, and a Python neophyte, so I don’t pretend that my coding is representative at all, but for the Ring Chart only required 32 lines of code were required (after comments and whitespace were removed)
  • although legends are available in the handful of Python charts and plots I sampled, they are quite different in layout than those in standard Power BI visuals, and standalone standard Power BI visuals should probably be used to generate legends consistent with the other visuals in the report



Data Loading/Data Transformations:

  • used eDNA extended date table M code as [Dates] Extended Date Table (Power Query M function)
  • marked [Dates] table as a date table
  • changed all date formats in [Dates] table to dd-mmm-yyyy [by typing “dd-mmm-yyyy” into “Format” box directly]
  • used eDNA DAX Clean Up tool to format all DAX measures and calculated columns https://analysthub.enterprisedna.co/dax-clean-up
  • created empty tables for [Key Measures], [Admin Measures], and [Narrative Measures]; opened 2 sessions of Tabular Editor (1 each on my Challenge #7 [C7] PBIX and this file) and copied measures
  • created empty tables for [Ring Chart Measures] and [Ridge Plot Measures]
  • added [Last Refresh] table (used Power Query in both C7 PBIX and this file to copy-and-paste)
  • added [fxNow, fxToday, fxStartDate, fxEndDate, fxFirstComplaint, fxLastComplaint] parameters (used Power Query in both C6 PBIX and this file to copy-and-paste)
  • renamed [fxFirstComplaint] to [fxFirstDataDate]; renamed [fxLastComplaint] to [fxLastDataDate]
  • changed [fxFirstDataDate] to use earliest [Created] date; changed [fxLastDataDate] to use latest [Due Date]
  • modified [Dates] query to use now-available [fxStartDate] and [fxEndDate] parameters
  • used “Properties” pane in “Model” view to hide all ID fields
  • imported [jira cleaned.xlsx] as staging query [RAW Jira Tickets]; disabled load; moved into new group [Staging Queries]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Assignees], chose only [Assignee] column, removed duplicates, removed empty, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Index] to [Assignee ID]
    • added [Name] column using “Column From Examples”; duplicated column, then used “Split Column\By Delimiter” (space) to add First Name] and [Last Name]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Creators], chose only [Creator] column, removed duplicates, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Index] to [Creator ID]
    • added [Name] column using “Column From Examples”; duplicated column, then used “Split Column\By Delimiter” (space) to add First Name] and [Last Name]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Priorities], chose only [Priority] column, removed duplicates, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Index] to [Priority ID]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Projects], chose only [Project key], [Project name], [Project type], and [Project lead] columns, removed duplicates, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Project key] to [Project Key], [Project name] to [Project Name], [Project type] to [Project Type], [Project lead] to [Project Lead], [Index] to [Project ID]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Reporters], chose only [Reporter] column, removed duplicates, removed empty, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Index] to [Reporter ID]
    • added [Name] column using “Column From Examples”; duplicated column, then used “Split Column\By Delimiter” (space) to add First Name] and [Last Name]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Resolutions], chose only [Resolution] column, removed duplicates, removed blanks, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Index] to [Resolution ID]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Status], chose only [Status] column, removed duplicates, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Index] to [Status ID]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Types], chose only [Issue Type] column, removed duplicates, sorted alphabetically, added index column (from 1)
    • renamed [Issue Type] to [Type] and [Index] to [Type ID]
  • created reference of [RAW Jira Tickets] as [Issues]
    • renamed [Issue key] to [Issue Key], [Issue id] to [Issue ID], [Parent id] to [Parent Issue ID]
    • [Due Date] column was text, so renamed to [Due Date (text)], then split column on [space] into [Date], and [Time]; deleted [Time]; split [Date] on [hyphen] into [Year], [Month], [Day]; merged [Year], [Month], [Day] into [Due Date]; replaced “–” with blank; changed column type to “Date”
  • merged [Issues] table with [Assignees] table, keeping only [Assignee ID] column and removing [Assignee] column
  • merged [Issues] table with [Reporters] table, keeping only [Reporter ID] column and removing [Reporter] column
  • merged [Issues] table with [Creators] table, keeping only [Creator ID] column and removing [Creator] column
  • merged [Issues] table with [Priorities] table, keeping only [Priority ID] column and removing [Priority] column
  • merged [Issues] table with [Resolutions] table, keeping only [Resolution ID] column and removing [Resolution] column
  • merged [Issues] table with [Status] table, keeping only [Status ID] column and removing [Status] column
  • merged [Issues] table with [Types] table, keeping only [Type ID] and removing [Issue Type] column
  • merged [Issues] table with [Projects] table, keeping only [Project ID] and removing [Project key], [Project name], [Project type], and [Project lead] columns
  • changed datatype of all date columns in [Issues] table from “Date/Time” to “Date”
  • changed date format of all date columns in [Issues] table to “dd-mmm-yyyy” [by typing “dd-mmm-yyyy” into “Format” box directly]
  • Issues:
  • created DAX table for [Watchers]
    • extracted all values for [Issue ID] and [Watchers], [Watchers], [Watchers_4], [Watchers_5], [Watchers_6], [Watchers_7]
    • added calculated columns for [Name] without domain; set to proper case; added calculated columns for [First Name] and [Last Name]
  • added supporting table for SLA (service level agreements), and made-up data for overall and priority-specific SLA’s
  • added supporting table for Python Ring Chart ring colours and data labels
  • added supporting table for Python Ridge Plot area chart colours and data labels

Data Model:

  • deleted all relationships auto-generated by Power BI
  • arranged tables into “waterfall” layout, with lookup tables at top, fact table at bottom, measure tables at top-right, and supporting tables at bottom-left
  • created 1-to-many relationships:
    • Assignees[Assignee ID] → Issues[Assignee ID]
    • Reporters[Reporter ID] → Issues[Reporter ID]
    • Creators[Creator ID] → Issues[Creator ID]
    • Priorities[Priority ID] → Issues[Priority ID]
    • Resolutions[Resolution ID] → Issues[Resolution ID]
    • Status[Status ID] → Issues[Status ID]
    • Types[Type ID] → Issues[Type ID]
    • Projects[Project ID] → Issues[Project ID]
  • organized all [Admin Measures] into subfolders using Model view as displayed in @JarrettM’s video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_qZ_S-ghoc

DAX Calculations:

  • added “Admin” measures for:
    • [Is Desktop] using difference between NOW() and UTCNOW() to determine user interface
    • [Is Service] using difference between USERNAME() and USERPRINCIPALNAME() to determine user interface
    • [… Tooltip] measures to use [Is Desktop] and [Is Service] to display the appropriate tooltip regardless of interface



  • used same-size, different colour sidebar on all pages
    • generated sidebars using theme colours [25% darker for sidebar colours (#0B3961, #48658D, #818E96)] and static text in PowerPoint, and exported slides as PNGs, then used as page backgrounds
  • used buttons with less-than and greater-than signs (button text font=DIN, size=30 pt, padding=0) as back and forward chevrons at top-left of sidebar for navigation
    • used changing colours to improve “bounce” (from grey default to white-on hover), similar to Microsoft Teams
  • used multi-row card for Version and Report ID in bottom-left corner
  • used smart narrative textbox in bottom-right corner for last refresh date (static text and dynamic measure for last refresh date)
    • made text as small as possible and set style to italics
  • used button with “Information” icon in top-right corner to allow the Info Tooltip to be displayed (when mouse is hovered over icon, then question mark icon appears below, which in turn when hovered-over display “Info Tooltip” page
    • used changing line colours and line weights to improve “bounce” (from light grey default to darker grey on hover)

Info Tooltip:

  • in Visualizations pane, Format section, set “Page Size” to [Tooltip]
  • in Visualizations pane, Format section, set “Page Information \ Tooltip” to [On]


  • used standard multi-row card to show metrics
  • used smart narratives textbox to display custom static text and dynamic measures; created a [Narrative Measures] measure group to hold the measures I wanted to include so I could both find them easily and set their formatting how I wanted without impacting the main report
  • added standard Python visual and configured as a Ring Chart displaying high, medium, and low priority issue resolution vs. SLA performance
    • adjusted transparencies (did you know you can use “#FF000000” as a colour in Power BI to “colour” something transparent?)
    • the legends available in the handful of Python charts and plots I sampled are quite different in layout than those in standard Power BI visuals, so a standard Power BI donut chart was created and used with same measures and colours as the Python Ring Chart, and the title was removed and the height was reduced until only the legend was visible, then this visual was overlaid on the Python Ring Chart to create a consistent legend; further, the ring chart and the standalone legend were grouped in the Selection Pane so their visibility z-order would stay the same and they would be moved as a set
    • couldn’t figure out how to add the percentages themselves into the Python Ring Chart, so created 3 standard Power BI Card visuals, set 1 each to each of the 3 percentages, and overlaid them on the Ring Chart
  • used standard column chart to show issues by year and priority category
  • used standard column chart to show issues by year and status category
  • used standard column chart to show issues by quarter and type category for this year and last year (used filter pane to add visual filter for [YearOffset] of -1 or 0)


  • used a standard date slicer
  • used page filter for “Month Offset” between -1 and 1 to show a three-month period centred on this month
  • used a standard pie chart to present issues by status category to determine the relative size of the current backlog vs. the current work-in-progress
  • used a standard doughnut chart to present issue type, checking for the relative volume of bugs/fixes and internal process vs. other types of issues
  • used a standard line chart to display the number of issues for each “assignee” during the current period; filtered the chart to display only those “assignees” who were assigned more than 2 issues
  • used a standard bar chart to display the number and priority of issues assigned to each “assignee” in the current period


  • used a smart narratives textbox for “Notes”
  • used a smart narratives textbox for “Follow-up”



Agreed. This is a phenomenal report – thoughtfully and beautifully designed, with a great depth of analysis. The ring chart really jumps out as a visual element, and as always there is just a treasure chest of techniques to unpack here thanks to your incredible write-up. Also, the analysis page and particularly the issues for follow-up demonstrates so well how the visual analysis drives actionable insight.

A few questions:

  1. I know you decided not to use the ridge plot, but I would be really curious to see what the two category Python ridge plot you did generate looked like.
  2. Can you elaborate a little on how the pairs of NOW and USER functions were used to determine user interface, and how that affects your tooltips?
  3. I’m currently wrestling with versioning issues in a complex report I’ve launched recently that is regularly getting new features, and I love your use of that small multirow card to document your report. Can you talk a little bit about how you use the two elements in this card (i.e., what constitutes a .1 level version change, is the report ID constant regardless of version and what is that capturing?

Amazing job. :clap: :clap:

  • Brian

Very impressive Greg. What a reporting app!


Thanks again @EnterpriseDNA for hosting these challenges!

Here is my submission so far:

Edit: I was inspired by @Greg’s circle bars!


Hello EveryOne,

Here is my submission for challenge 8 which I had a lot of fun working on.

Data Model : -

For this challenge I created a Data model which consists of 6 Dimension tables and one Fact table in Power Query. ( I guess I am getting comfortable using Power Query to create a Data
model instead of SQL Server as I did before ).

Dimension Tables : -

The five dimensions were created using distinct values of :-

  1. Projects

  2. Issue Types

  3. Statuses

  4. Assignee

  5. Watchers ( I Unpivoted Watcher_4 , Watcher_5 , Watcher_6 and Watcher_7 and merged them with Watcher and removed duplicates ).


  6. Dates ( Thanks @Melissa ) .

Fact Table:-

  1. Jira_Tickets

DAX Calculations:-

Once the Model was created, most of the calculations were not too difficult. But, some of the data needed to be modified in order to make it work.

To verify the validity of the Tickets, based on @haroonali1000 's instruction, I used the following Measure:-

Verifying Tickets = IF (

					ISBLANK (
					MAXX ( Jira_Tickets, Jira_Tickets[Due Date] ) ),
					       "Incomplete Ticket",
				        IF (      																 
                                                 MAXX ( Jira_Tickets,
        							DATEDIFF ( Jira_Tickets[Created], Jira_Tickets[Due Date], DAY ) 
                                                              ) < 0,
                                                              "Implementation Issues",
                                                   "in "  & MAXX ( Jira_Tickets,
                                                                  DATEDIFF ( Jira_Tickets[Created], Jira_Tickets[Due Date], DAY )
                                                                                      ) & " Days"



Then I created a Calculation Group in Tabular Editor to classify each ticket based on the above measure.

E.g. For incomplete tickets, the following DAX calculation was used in Tabular Editor.





    [Verifying Tickets] = "Incomplete Ticket"



and the same for Tickets with Implementation Issues and the rest of the Tickets were assumed as Valid Tickets.

I also used Calculation Groups for to merge Statuses: -

E.g. the following Statuses were assumed as Resolved.



Jira_Tickets[Status] = "Completed"

    || Jira_Tickets[Status] = "Closed"

    || Jira_Tickets[Status] = "Done"

    || Jira_Tickets[Status] = "Resolved"


This is the first time I used Calculation Groups and I found them to be very useful ( especially for multiple Time Related DAX Calculations ).

Visualizations :-

For the theme of this Report I used one of Atlassian’s Logo and matching blue colors for most of the Report.

I took a visualization Idea of combining a Column chart and a Matrix to display bars for the months from one of the Top Experts on this forum (Thanks @MudassirAli ) .

Here is a link to the Report:-

P.S. The Decomposition Tree visual on the Summary page is not working on the link above but works on Power BI Services my Work space.

Thanks and Regards,



I love the simplicity in the report, headings and different colors used for different Page Headings of the report. You really are an expert now in using the Smart Narratives.
Ring chart looks really cool and awesome explanation as always.
Great Submission!!


@datazoe Wow for the design especially the navigation panel. What type of Red Color is this? Looks really amazing with Black background.
Great work!!


@MudassirAli This one is again using a template and specifically design / template from `https://www.numerro.io/ so I can’t take credit for the design, just how I applied it. I have been wanting to do a fly out navigation for a while. As I suspect, it’s a little annoying but not overly so :). Using these templates has been really helpful on my quest to make better designed reports overall.


@Neba I really like the look of your report! I am partial to the blue/white/grey a lot (which is why I forced myself to use black/red haha).

I am also liking this combo a lot too:

It’s very clear that Feb is higher than the rest and it’s then due to the POA&M Milestone Subtasks that’s driving it up.


Hey @datazoe , Thank you for your kind words. I saw your beautiful report too. Great choice of colors.

:laughing: I am trying to break the curse too. I am inspired now. Note to self :- don’t be afraid of colors. :laughing:


@Greg This is such a good looking report, and I love those ring charts (and was super sad they didn’t work on the publish to web version). I may have to try and create them in https://charticulator.com/. The way the data is presented is clear and clean, and I love the arrow through the report in the top left.

1 Like

Hi @Brian … thanks for your kind words. I’m honoured by the your comments and those of others. Thanks for your questions; here’s some more on your questions:

  1. Ridge Plot:
  • here’s the Python sample I started from and massaged into Power BI; it shows vehicle mileage with one overlapping area chart per vehicle class

(My plan is to keep working on this on my own time, as I’ve invested a lot in trying to understand and implement it, and think and hope I’m close to being able to show [from the C8 dataset] date on the x-axis, total issues on the y-axis, and project on the “z”-axis (i.e., one “ridge” per project)

  1. Environment and Report Admin:

I used the following two measures to give me a TRUE if the report was being accessed in the stated environment:

Is Desktop = 
IF( NOW() <> UTCNOW(), TRUE(), FALSE() )

Is Service = 

(My understanding is that the best practice is to always use the USERNAME() to USERPRINCIPALNAME() check to determine environment, but this check doesn’t seem to work properly on my local, hence the “hack” with checking a difference between the local time and UTC time [I know this falls down if you’re located in the time zone where local time = UTC, but was a quick-and-dirty way forward].)

I can then branch from these measures into my tooltip text, like:

Tooltip Current = 
    [Is Desktop] = TRUE(), "CRTL+click to go to the CURRENT page...", -- tooltip for Power BI Desktop
    [Is Service] = TRUE(), "Click to go to the CURRENT page...", -- tooltip for Power BI Service

and then use the measure as the “field value” in the tooltip

  • with respect to report ID and versioning, it is implemented as per the customer’s standard, but if they have none (or don’t use it rigorously), I usually do the following:
    • set a [Report ID] measure hard-coded to the report ID; this does not change in the lifecycle of the report

Report ID = "SD007"

  • set a [Version] measure hard-coded to the current version, and increment the number each time I publish the report using a major.minor paradigm, where the major number is incremented for each major release (e.g., initial, colour theme and/or major layout changes, new data source, new calculations, new visuals, etc.) and the minor number is incremented for each minor release (e.g., new visual on existing dataset, bug fixes, etc.)
    I made up a version for my C8 report as

Version = "V1.2"

These two measures were then used in a narrow multi-row card and placed in the bottom-left of all report pages. (I used them on the report Info Tooltip page as well.)


Thanks so much for your kind words @datazoe. I’m a bit puzzled by the ring chart not displaying properly for you … all my screenshots were taken from the service and the ring chart works there for me in the service, there’s just a lag of a number of seconds (about 6 seconds for me) while Power BI exports the data and redraws the Python visual (not ideal, and I’m sure there’s an admin setting to improve this, but I’m still in the infancy of my learning).

Perhaps Python needs to be installed on the workstation viewing the report? (Although this seems unlikely as Microsoft has usually handled something like this.)

Thanks again,


So wonderful and also all the text to the model and submission. Thanks.


Dear all
Here comes my submission.

Link PowerBI service:https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMzMwOGUwOGItYmFmZS00NTIwLTgzZjItMGM5MTIzZjM5MjUyIiwidCI6ImQ5YTk3YjQ5LWJjMGMtNGY5OS04ZTVmLWUwZDI4MmRmN2Y5NSIsImMiOjl9&pageName=ReportSectionb1b7d6a26c1cc445be1d

Link PBIX fil: Challenge 8 - Data From Jira IT service Desk Analysis.pbix (367.1 KB)

The Challenge was delivered in one Excel sheet.

Started to orientate me in all the columns and what it means. BrianJ shared a link from Jira, what the difference columns means. https://innovalog.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JMWEC/pages/108200050/Standard+JIRA+fields

The task was given in the Brief.

I had two goals.

First goal - page one.
Give an overview of the tickets and shows the status grouped from closed ticket and ticket in a progress. Show on which type of task the tickets regards. Tickets which isn’t closed yet and on whom supported the open tickets are allocated to.

Secund goal – page two.
How are the tickets type divided from high to minor priority both in number of tickets and in percentage.

Then also to show how much time is used on each tickets. It doesn’t tell how much time there has been used effective on the tickets but tell how much time has gone from case opened to the case is solved/closed.

The purpose for this page - Analyze – so the management can see where the support team use their time and on which type of cases. In that way the management have information to dig deeper and see what there can be done to reduced the number og tickets.


  • Number of tickets

    • Pct tickets of total of tickets

Divide the type of #tickets in the two project names Help Desk and POAM tracking:
Pct Ticket(2) =
VAR _AllCountTicketIssueType =
[No Ticket];
REMOVEFILTERS ( Jira[Issue Type] ) //Remove the filter on “Issue Type” to get 100% of the subtotal “Project Name”
[No Ticket];

  • Average working days, from the ticket was opned and it solved and closed.

  • #tickets solved after Duedate. Not all tickets have been opened with a duedate

  • Average minutes has gone from opened the tickets and closed.

Powe Query:

Only done some minor change. Column name and removed the “@” on the supporter name.


Hello everyone!

For my submission I added an additional “Description” field which is common in Jira tickets, but primarily limited the use of this field to the topic modelling report. There’s several machine learning algorithms in this report:

  • Topic Modelling (Python)
  • K-Means Clustering (Python)
  • Anomaly Detection (Python)
  • Auto ML Forecasting (R)
    • Auto ARIMA
    • Auto ARIMA with XGBoost Errors
    • ETS
    • Prophet
    • LM
    • XGBoost
    • XGBoost Workflow
    • Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)

If R or Python visuals had the same interactivity/reactivity and all the features that they do using Shiny or just in standard R visuals then I’d have had these done live, but so that I could fully take advantage of Power BI’s visuals and suite of features I had Power Query run the scripts.

This is just the second draft of the dash and I’d want to go through another round of development before presenting it to a client/project lead, but I think it came out pretty good. I’d want to at least add some navigation features, tune the ML algorithms, and optimize the performance, but I’d need to understand more from the client/project lead before I could do that.


@Neba - love the report, the layout and the color scheme. The switchboard has a nice user interface. Great job!


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Hello all,

Challenge number 8 was very interesting . I never worked with JIRA data before but I think it is an awesome use case.
The most challenging part for me was to find a way to communicate a lot of information/analysis in an interactive, simple and comprehensive way (and in the right order). I explored and tested different ways of presenting this data in the last 2 weeks.
In the end, I decided to use some simple visualizations and bring value with the use of interactions. Doing so, I tried to avoid pushing too much information to the user and lose his/her concentration. I m trying to let the user discover the data, the messages, at their own pace. For this I am trying to build a framework where there is a lot of flexibility for user analysis.
In my quest to simplification, I used for this report only 1 page and used bookmarks

Please find below my submission for challenge number 8.

Toggle Activated below left

Toggle Activated below right

Page 2 - Timings

Page 3 - Data Quality and Recommandation

Zoom on Status

Below is a quick gif of the report

Challenge 8