What is the best solution for the dates which are not in correct format?
What is the best solution for the dates which are not in correct format?
Hello Forum,
Please let me share my submission.
Thank you forum always.
Hi there
This is my submission for the EDNA Challenge 4.
In order to analyse which WH-store combination is using the App regularly, I have created a metric called ‘App usage score’ and the average value of each WH-store combination is calculated.
The scoring criteria to calculate ‘App usage score’ for each delivery I use is
Label Damaged (Scanned) = 2
Label Damaged (Manual) = 0
Label Not Damaged (Scanned) = 1
Label Not Damaged (Manual) = -1
The goal is to benefit the app users more (those who scan) for scanning, even when the label is damaged, and to penalize those who do not scan even when the Label is perfectly OK.
The average app score for all WH-Store combinations is then used to segment in Groups (Strong, medium and low) based on their App usage and compared with % Label Damaged in a scatter plot. It can be seen that most WH-Store combination show some kind of a trend to use the Delivery App, while some are not using it at all. This will help the management to see the WH-Store combination where app usage is greatest and also the percentage of label damages.
I have also segmented the time spent in store in 5 categories, [0-10], [10-20], [20-30], [30-40] and [>40] for all deliveries.
Rest of the stats are pretty straight forward.
You can see the report at
Looking for feedback on the report so I can improve in future.
Abu Bakar Alvi
Here is my submission for Challenge 4. Will do a full review of my entry soon.
Here is weblink:
Hello Forum,
Please find the snapshot for my submission for Challenge 4.
Looking for any type of feedback on the report will help me to learn and improve more.
Thank You everyone here.
Fabulous submissions everyone. I’m feeling this will be our best challenge so far!
Love the name! Very funny…
Below please find my submission for Data Challenge #4. I took quite a different tack on this one, so hopefully it provides some interesting food for thought. My approach has four major components:
Data Validity - I started with a detailed statistical analysis examining whether the data in the app meet basic thresholds of reliability and validity (spoiler alert: 75% NO), and thus whether they could/should serve as the basis for management decision-making.
Performance Analysis - Despite the concerns generated in 1. above regarding the validity of the performance metric data (e.g., label damage %, package damage %, return %, etc.), I wanted to provide a proof of concept for how a dynamic, composite metric based on combined ranking across the five performance metrics could be done.
Supply Chain Optimization - This is really what I view as the focal point of my analysis. Seeing that all stores are served by all 10 warehouses seemed grossly inefficient to me, so I wanted to see if with the addition of latitude-longitude data for each city and warehouse whether we could use the data in the app to analyze the supply chain and create efficiencies by rerouting supply chains through more proximate warehouse-store pairings.
Cost Reduction - Once the supply chain analysis was complete, it was a simple matter to add a single parameter (current US trucking cost per mile) to convert the distance savings realized through the supply chain optimization to monetary savings.
There are definitely some major simplifying assumptions embedded above that would be explored more fully in a real-world analysis (for example, I’m assuming that each store could be fully serviced by its most proximate warehouse, and thus the distance and cost savings are framed as “maximum potential savings”, given that real-life considerations probably would prevent complete implementation of such a simple decision rule).
If there’s interest, I can definitely do a more detailed post on the specific analyses summarized above. Here are my screenshots along with a published a web link if you want to play with the live report. One other note, on the data validity analysis, my R script runs fine locally but throws an error when I publish it to the service. Thus for the live report, I replaced the dynamic chart with an image. For those interested I have attached a copy of the R script to this post.
Very interested to hear your feedback.
Finally, thanks to my friends @paul and @JarrettM, the first for his generous guidance and phenomenal forum posts on all things GIS, without which I couldn’t have done #3 or #4 above, and the latter for the entertaining and enlightening Skype chats while we were both up late working on our entries.
Final R Script – Brian Julius – Data Challenge #4.R (1.4 KB)
Wow awesome work everyone!
Some serious submissions cant wait to start reviewing.
Hi eDNA:
Here is my submission for challenge #4. Good luck to all.
Hi all,
Tried to keep it simple and stay close to the brief on this one.
Loved seeing all the different entries, great job everyone
All the best.
Hello everyone,
My submission for this challenge #4, An infographic inspired Dashboard with simple variables. Do let me know your views, feedback & suggestions.
Great points. I used the same simplemaps.com city dataset and the approach I used was to group cities by name in Power Query and then select the one with the largest population. In most cases, it was a comparison of major metropolitan areas to small towns, but the one I remember being questionable was Aurora, IL versus Aurora, CO. The latter is larger by approximately 150,000 people, but I have the creeping suspicion my decision rule got this one wrong since Denver is also in the dataset, but Chicago is not, leaving the Chicago metro area uncovered. Despite the uncertainty, I still treated this data as valid, since it would be immediately verifiable with the client.
For warehouses, I used the geographic center of the state, which seemed like a reasonable assumption, given that each warehouse served multiple states, even post-optimization. Again uncertain, but easily verifiable. How did you choose to locate your warehouses?
Hi @BrianJ.
I didn’t use a rule to assign cities to stores and warehouses, as I figured I’d be wrong regardless. I chose to concentrate instead on the logic of the analysis rather than the validity of the data, knowing it was, for me (engineer by training, then BI guy), quite unlikely that I’d make reasonable logistics choices.
For cities, I chose exact matches where available, but when there were multiple possibilities, I chose the one I was most familiar with (I’m Canadian, so US geography is not my strong suit…).
For warehouses, I again chose cities I was familiar with, only modifying it when I had already used the city for a store (and for Texas, I chose a city outside of Dallas); I did this to ensure I didn’t have any "zeros’ in the warehouse-to-store distances.
Hello Everyone,
Great and inspiring submissions as always.
Here is mine for Challenge 4. Your feedback will be much appreciated.
I focused my calculations mostly on order Item Entry type ( manually entered or scanned ) to visualize how the orders were being processed did make a difference and which method is efficient.
While working on this challenge, I created a date table which I planned to use for some Time Intelligence, but I don’t know if it is because of the time stamps on the store arrival and left columns or something else, the relationship was not working for me. So, I created calculated month and quarter columns to use as a slicer and did the calculations using the existing columns on the Fact table.
I would appreciate it if someone can explain to me why it didn’t work?
Here is a Link to the published report :
Thank you.
Wow wow wow. Such a quality report
Awesome and an interesting dimension of analysis @BrianJ Love it.
Hey all,
Here is my submission. I have created a report page for each of the key metrics that management are interested in. Each page is filterable via the bar charts so that individual store / warehouses can be viewed.
Store / warehouse combinations are shown in the table along with their performance compared to the average.
The Match Method page is filterable via whether or not it has scan damage so that we can identify stores/warehouses not scanning when they should be and remaining pages filterable via the match method so that we can view the performance when the app is used and when it is not.
. I like this entry a lot – it’s clean, attractive, and most importantly it directly answers the questions at hand without making the client do a lot of work on their own to find the answers.
If I might, two minor constructive suggestions:
Really nice job on this.
– Brian