Power BI Book Recommendations


Yeah, that one (The Definitive Guide to DAX, Second Edition) is the absolute bible. A must have IMO for anyone doing Power BI work.

Power BI books are tricky, since the program is updated so frequently that anything other than general reference books go out of date so quickly as to be largely useless.

Here are the ones on my shelf that I find have stood up as valuable over time, other than the Definitive Guide to DAX:

DAX Patterns, Russo and Ferrari - great companion to the Definitive Guide. They’re supposed to come out with a new edition sometime this year, but until then you can get a used copy of the current edition for under 10 bucks.

Collect, Combine and Transform Data Using Power Query in Excel and Power BI, Gil Raviv - IMO best book available on Power Query

M Is for Data Monkey, Puls and Escobar - another very good PQ resource. I believe they’re doing an updated edition this year. (Note: they include the e-book version of this for free with their online Power Academy Training, which is excellent)

Pro DAX with Power BI, Phil Seamark - not absolutely essential IMO if you have the Russo and Ferrari books, but some interesting concepts in this one and I really like the way he explains things.

Would be very interested to hear from others if there are good ones that I’ve missed on this list.

  • Brian