Percentage Not on the Overall Amount

Measure written down Helped me get the Percentages Changes on overall Amount i.e. this is being computed at the 3 years cumulative

Rev_From_CU_Trial_Denom =
var mysel = SELECTEDVALUE(‘AFR Table’[GN])
CALCULATE(SUM(‘AFR Table’[Amount]), FILTER(ALL(‘AFR Table’), ‘AFR Table’[GN] = mysel), ‘AFR Table’[Form] = “Schedule A”)

% Category =
DIVIDE([Revenue], [Rev_From_CU_Trial_Denom])

But now I would like to have the measure in a way that
% Category, should do the Changes based on GN Revenue and not only overall revenue


Hi @mohammedkhan11. Please provide your work-in-progress PBIX (using sample data, if necessary) to aid the forum members in their analyses.

Hello @mohammedkhan11, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster.

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