Not able to access reports even after having powerbi pro

I have PowerBi Pro license provided by organization, I was able to publish reports, access it.

But today I am getting below message…
"To access this content, upgrade to a Premium Per User license. When you upgrade, you’ll have access to all Premium features, including paginated reports, deployment pipelines, and new AI capabilities.

is there any changes to the licensing?

Hi @suhvishal. AFAIK there have not been any changes to licensing. My understanding is that reports that have been published with a PPU license can only be accessed by those with PPU licenses (so not accessible by those with PRO licenses). I’m not experienced with PPU or Premium licenses, but perhaps the report’s workspace has been designated as PPU and this is preventing PRO users from accessing?

I had a trial licence for Premium, it ended. Recently i got the same error message when i tried to make a workspace a PPU workspace. So, your problem is that the workspace is upgraded to be a PPU and you don’t have one. If you are the owner of the workspace you can just change it from PPU into normal one (PBI service > the workspace > settings > Premium (Off) ). If you are not the owner, get in touch with your IT.


Hi @suhvishal, did the response provided by @Greg and @HASSAN_BI help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!

Yes it works well
Thanks @HASSAN_BI, appreciate your help