New to Edna need help


My name is Ricky and I am pretty new here and looking for assistance on a TopN but seem to can’t crasp what exactly I need. I have a Top 3 downtime by asset and each asset has a reason, how do I get Top 3 for each catergory to reflect for each reason.

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@r.thompson ,

Welcome to the forum - great to have you here!

To get the best, fastest and most specific responses, you should include your PBIX work in progress. Particularly for DAX questions, it’s important for us to be able view your data model since in some cases what presents as a DAX problem is actually a flawed data model.


  • Brian
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Hello @r.thompson!

A gentle follow up on the PBIX file requested by @BrianJ above. This will help the users and experts to answer your inquiry.

Check out this thread on Tools and Techniques for Providing PBIX Files with Your Forum Questions

In case there won’t be any activity on it in the next few days, we’ll be tagging this post as Solved.