I would like to create a what if scenario with the following input:
Data type - decimal number
Minimum number - 0.00000000001
Maximum number - 0.000001
Increment - 0.000000001
Default: 0
However with these numbers I am not able to create the parameter, because it’s not possible to click on the ‘ok’ button.
When I try to create the formula manually I receive the following error:
GenereateSeries Function cannot have a floating point IncrementValues less than 1E-6.
Is there an option to bypassthis error?
Thank you.
Hi @Folkert ,
Welcome to the Forum!
Have you tried creating this list in Power Query using List.Generate?
Here’s a link to the documentation.
M code example:
MinNum = 0.00000000001,
MaxNum = 0.000001,
Increment = 0.000000001,
Source = List.Generate( ()=>MinNum, each _ <= MaxNum, each _ + Increment ),
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Converted to Table",{{"Column1", type number}}),
#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Changed Type",{{"Column1", "myNumber"}})
#"Renamed Columns"
I hope this is helpful, here’s my sample file
eDNA - Need more Decimals.pbix (36.1 KB)
Hi @Melissa
Works like a charm, cheers!
Just one more question. How do I turn from this to a slicer with a single value?
Somehow the option ‘single value’ is missing.
Versus (what it should be)
As for the slicers see the documentation here, in this article:
February 7, 2020, 8:30pm
@Folkert , @Melissa ,
The single value slicer is an extremely rare bird, hardly ever seen in the wild. The only way I’ve ever gotten that option to appear is from a calculated column generated from a parameter using the GENERATESERIES() function.
If anyone has another way to access this option, I’d love to know it.
Yes, I second that. Would love to find a way to access that…
@BrianJ @Melissa
Thanks for the heads up, although the message is quite disappointing to be honest Hopefully Microsoft will focus on the reproduction of this rare bird in the near future. Anyway I will start doing some trial and error and see if I can find a solution.