Need help with mcode for tjobtitle

Hi @Melissa,

Same issue like the one of Friday and I was trying to apply the same code you gave me for jobtitle change and it does not work. It is really frustrating!!! It just shows I am don’t understand it well enough as I can’t fix it. I have attached the file for your perusual and your help will be very much appreciated.


Under EMAllCompanyAvailableHrs I have filtered down to Employee 352124 and between the 01/08/2019 to 14/07/2021 his previous role was Senior Advisor but for some reason I am the code is returning Associate advisor so not sure why.

Thanks again for your asistance.

tAvailableHrs Scenario.pbix (224.7 KB)


Hi @ambepat,

Just experienced a déjà vu…
You’re referencing the wrong table variable. :wink:

I hope this is helpful.

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@Melissa fantastic. Thanks.

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