Multi period excess earning method valuation

Good morning all - first time poster but I wanted to say to Sam and all who are involved this is an amazing platform that has really transformed the way that multiple companies I have worked for have started to review and interact with financial data.

I am currently working on a model that will allow me to create a multi period excess earnings method valuation (MEEM) by using the last 4 years worth of historic data and then with a number of what if parameters around growth, inflation, churn and discount rate produce an intangible valuation.

I am doing this through multiple measures that see to calculate on future periods correctly line by line but the totals seem to have gone out of whack. Attached is the result with some dummy data but the principle remains

Two queries - is there a way to have the Debt free cashflows total to not be multiplied by the total sum of all the discount factors? or is there a way to take the visualisation table and turn into a data table in query so as to do the NPV formula and do it that way.

Any guidance or advice is most welcome!

@dallasg1984 ,

Welcome to the forum – great to have you here!

Fixing the debt-free cash flow totals should be pretty straightforward. Enterprise DNA Expert @Greg has put together an outstanding series of DAX Patterns on fixing totals. I think those patterns should be directly applicable to your problem here.

Overall, you will get the best/fastest/most specific responses on the forum if you post not only a clear description of your problem (which you’ve done), but also your PBIX work in progress, and a mockup of the results you want to see.

If your data are sensitive, I can point you to some great tools and videos we have to help you mask confidential data for posting.

I hope this is helpful.

– Brian

Thank you very much Brian that worked a treat.

Also thank you for the advice on the posting - I would love some of the tools and videos to mask the data.

@Greg superstar thank you very much saved me a lot of time and consternation that’s for sure!

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@dallasg1984 ,

Great – glad that worked well for you. It is an amazing resource that @Greg has assembled. I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the other patterns in the collection, since undoubtedly you will encounter issues where they will be useful – I refer to them all the time.

Re: techniques and tools, check out the thread below. The first item is a video I did on masking your own data. The next is an external tool we created that produces a three-year basic star schema sales data model that makes a good example data set in many cases. The last one is a tool we just released that allows you to create random datasets according to very specific criteria/requirements easily within Excel and then import them into Power BI. The combination of these three makes it easy to always provide a representative dataset to illustrate your question/problem.

  • Brian