Matrix Subtotal Formatting

I am trying to build matrix visual. I want the columns to look like the excel pivot table tabular format. I want the grand total at the bottom, but not the subtotal.
Right now if I turn off the subtotal, I’m also losing the Grand Total

@BillK ,

Check out the following article – I think secret #4 will give you what you need:

Secret No.4 – Only show the Subtotals/Grand Totals you want to see.

Alternatively, another way to control totals and subtotals is via DAX and combinations of IF, NOT and HASONEVALUE, HASONEFILTER, ISFILTERED or ISCROSSFILTERED. The video below does an excellent job explaining this concept.

  • Brian

Thank you very much. That did it!

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@BillK ,

Hey, glad that worked well for you and thanks for the great question. FYI - I ended up doing a video on this topic that discussed both the UI and DAX solutions, and when to use each one. It should drop this Wed am ET if you’re interested.

  • Brian

Here’s the video I did expanding on this solution. PBIX file included below.

Video 24 - Controlling Totals and Subtotals.pbix (683.9 KB)


Thanks for putting this together. It is great!

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