Matrix Percentages - hasonevalue issue

Hi guys
Haven’t posted for some time. So either my CFO day job is taking up too much time or I’m getting competent at DAX. I’d go for the former!

I have a Matrix issue where I can’t get the grand total to calculate correctly. Matrix is an analysis of the components of a car deal had has various % calculations which are correct at line detail and subtotal level but the grand total calculation is rubbish.

This is what I have:
VSpecPercList =

    HASONEVALUE( VSB_VSpec[SequenceInVehicle] ),
    sum( VSB_VSpec[PercList] ),
        max( VSB_VSpec[VSpecCat] ) = "Standards", sum( VSB_VSpec[PercList] ),
        HASONEFILTER( VSB_Data[Suffix] ),
            sum( VSB_VSpec[VSpecProfit] ),
            sum( VSB_VSpec[InvoiceValue] ),
            Sum( VSB_VSpec[VSpecProfit] ),
            Sum( VSB_VSpec[InvoiceValue] ),

I need a straight Divide of VSpecProfit/ invoice value

Apologies for Dax formatting below, couldn;t get the formatter to paste.

Looking fwd to help


Hi @Pete673,

Nice to read you’re making good progress.
@Greg has created a topic in the DAX Patterns category on fixing totals. You’ll find it here.

If you need further assistance please provide a sample PBIX.

I was on the right track but using a different calc for VSpecCat “Standards”.
If I remove the totals at that level then everything is fine, but I don’t get a standards total %.
and we can leave with that till another day.

Thanks everyone for help



Great to hear that DAX is "clicking " for you and you were able to solve your own problem.

Matrix totals and subtotals can be a big challenge because even in the simplest case, you have four different evaluation contexts to deal with. Here’s a detailed post I put together on this a while back that I think may provide a useful framework for you to work through your remaining issues.

  • Brian

P.S. Thanks for trying to format your posted DAX. Here’s a trick - if it won’t format, try adding a hard return after the “=” in the first line of the measure and then try to format everything after that hard return line. That worked perfectly when I tried to reformat your posted measure.