Mastering DAX Calculation EDNA Training

In a segment of the training video here is a formula and results demonstrated:

I copied all 3 ways and the results are the same for all 3… wondering why I didn’t get the same results as the training?

image p1 p2 p3 p4


It looks like you did all three as measures, not calculated columns. I think @sam.mckay was probably discussing context transition - measures already have the context transition implicitly included, whereas calculalated columns do not, and thus need that additional CALCULATE statement to transition from row context to filter context.

I think if you redo them as calculated columns, you’ll get the same answers as Sam. But your instincts are exactly correct - in any real world case I can think of, these should be written as measures. He’s just doing them as calculated columns to illustrate a point.

@AntrikshSharma has done some amazing deep dive posts explaining this complex concept that are not light reading, but definitely worth working through.

I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian


Per my earlier post, here’s our resident DAX Mozart @AntrikshSharma’s posts on context transition:

  • Brian