Dear Enterprise Team,
I need advice and small help, please.
I build my report that had a lot of steps applied in data transformations when I load new data I notice that I don’t receive the correct results due to one of the step applied steps:
In the applied steps I selected Acc Code and filter the code that does not equal to * or 2551-4110 and then I have select Reference column to only filter where value = null or NonRecovTax.
Later on, I noticed that the formula applied the rest of the m code automatically for “reference column” and if I load new data the end results will not be the same, as in the new data the reference can be unique or duplicate/ repeated values text, etc but since the m-code remembers only the first source of data the row filter using the applied steps for the first source.
In order to sort this use, I could create an custom column with if statements
If account <> * or account<> 2551-4110 and reference null or reference = nonrecovertax give me 1 else 0. Then I could filter by a new custom column which should always retain the correct results if I would load a new data source.
My question is there any other solution such as the m-code filter? to ensure the m-code will filter always the data if ([Acct Code] <> “*” and [Acct Code] <> “2551-4110”) and ([Reference] = null or [Reference] = “:NonRecovTax”) ?
As I mentioned the reference column will aways contain unique or different values/texts and I just need to focus on the data that contains reference null or “:NonRecovTax”
Table.SelectRows(#“Removed Columns1”, each ([Acct Code] <> “*” and [Acct Code] <> “2551-4110”) and ([Reference] = null or [Reference] = “:NonRecovTax”) and ([Notes] <> null and [Notes] <> “”":BB sebdk14 /144 INTERNAL CUSTOMER TRANSFER""" and [Notes] <> “:BB sebdk14 /153 PostNord Group AB” and [Notes] <> “Affaldshåndtering Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Affaldshåndtering Q2 2020” and [Notes] <> “CBRE PM fee Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “DHL Aviation (t0037875)” and [Notes] <> “Dobbelt betaling af Nyrup Hansen - Aconto 02 ifølge bilag” and [Notes] <> “Grøntpleje Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Grøntpleje Q2 2020” and [Notes] <> “Intercompany overførsel vedr. SC” and [Notes] <> “NYRUP HANSEN F 2173 MONEY RETURN 24/04” and [Notes] <> “Omp KOBENHAVNS LUFTHAVNE A/S” and [Notes] <> “Quick refund DHL Aviation” and [Notes] <> “Serviceaftale elevatorer Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Serviceaftale elevatorer Q2 2020” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Affaldshåndtering Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Tbf CBRE PM fee Q1 2020 - betales af Intertrust og er ikke med i vores regnskab” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Forsikring afsat iht. budget 2018” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Grøntpleje Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Property insurance according to budget Q4” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Q4 Fees CBRE” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Q4 Fees CBRE - betales af Intertrust og er ikke med i vores regnskab” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Serviceaftale elevatorer Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Tbf Vicevært Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Udgiftsførelse af moms vedrørende servicering af ventilationsanlæg” and [Notes] <> “Vicevært Q1 2020” and [Notes] <> “Vicevært Q2 2020”)),