I have below requirement
I have table A dimension which classify the table as New ,OLD,Expire
ClassificatioID Classification
1 NEw
2 OLd
I have one fact table which has al transation records for each classification
Fact table
ClassificationId classificationname Monthid value
1 New 1 100
2 OLD 2 200
now my output as below
classificaion slicer
2month slicers one for Selectmonth and one more for previosmonth(this can be user choice)
for single product lets Say Soaps
my repot is shoowing as 2 records like below
Productname selmonth prevmonth seleclassifi prevclassifi sevalue prevalue
Soap 1 2 new new 100
Soap 1 2 Old Old 200
but actual requiremnet is as below it should show in single row
Productname selmonth prevmonth seleclassifi prevclassifi sevalue prevalue
Soap 1 2 new old 100 200
how to achive kindly do needful