How to get Weekend Days to now show in table

Another option would be to add a column to the Dates table to determine if it is a workday or not then update the measure 4 days ahead with:
Measure in Dates Table

4DaysAhead = CALCULATE (
MIN ( Dates[Date] ),
ALL ( Dates[Date], Dates[IsWorkingDay] ),
Dates[Date] > TODAY () + 4
&& Dates[IsWorkingDay] = TRUE

Column in Dates Table:

IsWorkingDay = NOT WEEKDAY( ‘Dates’[Date] ) IN { 1,7 }

Updated Custom column in Workticketstepheadermerge

4DaysAhead = If([4DaysAhead] >= Workticketstepheadermerge[Step Start Date] &&[4DaysAhead] <= Workticketstepheadermerge[Step Due Date],Workticketstepheadermerge[Employees], “”)

AssemblySchedule - Weekend not working Rework.pbix (326.8 KB)