How to add number to a coulun and subtract same from other other column

Hi Fellow Power BI Users -

Greetings !

I have below data frame:

Employee Grade Opening Number Avg Salary ($) Promotions In Promotions Out Closing Number

Grade I 531 90K 10 0 541

Garde II 750 821K 25 10 765

Grade III 1490 73K 31 25 1496

Grade IV 2189 61K 42 31 2200

Grade V 3730 47K 0 42 3688

Total 8690 108 108 8690

Question is how to create a Dax Formula which allows to Add Promotions Into that grade Using Slicer and simultaneous reduction of Same Number of Promotions Out from that Grade. Also Grade at the Bottom (Grade V) has No promotions Into as it is Entry level while Grade I is the Highest and hence No Promotions Out as it is Highest Level.

Opening Employee Count and Closing Employee Count has to be same as Promotions Into and Promotions Out nullify each other.

Looking forward to any help on this

Best Regards

Data Image


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I read through this a number of times and struggling to understand the exact requirement.

What’s missing here is how do you want to show this result.

I’m reading…

how to create a Dax Formula which allows to Add Promotions Into that grade Using Slicer and simultaneous reduction of Same Number of Promotions Out from that Grade

…and I’m a bit lost as to what the end result is that you are looking for?

Are you looking to sub in a number to the promotions in and out? You can do this quite easily with a ‘what if’ parameter

Probably just need more information here to help out. Understanding fully how you want to represent the numbers is crucial here


Hi Sam

Thanks a lot for your reply and really appreciate it.

Have used what if parameter for New Hires and Leavers(employees quitting company) what if scenarios.

in this case Difficulty faced is when i make promotions at one Grade level - it adds up that number in that Grad but Doesn’t Reduce same count of promotions in the Previous Grade

Logically it should reduce that promoted number from previous Grade and that is the Challenge. Reducing count from same grade keeps closing number (last column sum constant)

So if simultaneous addition or reduction doesn’t happen - my closing number will show Increase while in reality there is No Increase - it is just a movement from one Grade to Other.

it is a bit tricky

Thanks once again

Kind regards

Sure ok, this shouldn’t be difficult.

Have you got your mind around measure branching? This is a crucial topic for using with Power BI and really should be able to solve what you need here.

You just need to create logic within your measures that link together.

Check out this tutorial here to get you started.

For another review see here

Thanks Sam

Have been able to do it finally

Learnt a lot from your courses

Need to learn more - takes time.


Best Regards

Ok that’s great. Good luck