We have a business that has six locations. I want to create a measure that tell us the names of the clients who have visited multiple locations. I know that I can create a table and I can see if they have transacted at the locations but I would like a measure that tells me how many clubs have been visited by each customer.
This should be pretty straightforward to do, but the structure of the specific DAX will depend on how you have your data model set up. Can you please post your PBIX file?
The best option would be to cut the data file down in Power Query. I don’t need to see the whole thing to address the DAX question – just a representative sample of records. Best to cut rows than columns, as not to alter the data model.
Alternatively, you can post the data file on Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. then just post the download link on the forum.
Without the proper model and relationships in place, even getting basic DAX measures to work is difficult. Once I set that up, I created the following measure to count the number of unique clubs visited by each member:
@jmolina If you’ve made these changes in the Power Query editor, it shouldn’t be to hard just delete those last applied steps from each query and you’re done.
You can find the Applied Steps in the Query Settings pane on the right of your screen.
If it’s not there, go to File / Options and Settings / Options
select Power Query Editor and select Display the Query Settings pane