How Can We Improve Our Ecosystems Functionality?

We want to hear from you…

We launched the Enterprise DNA Ecosystems a couple of months ago and we want to make it more collaborative and valuable for all those getting involved.

We’re open to all and any ideas, so just let us know here in this thread.



Personally, I think the infrastructure and functionality of the Ecosystems section is great. However, I haven’t used it at all because the larger forum meets my needs perfectly. I have benefited enormously from broader conversations with members in areas as diverse as radio licensing, cheese manufacturing, college administration, toy marketing, industrial safety, golf course management, currency trading, and dozens of others. While most of these are not even remotely related to my primary ecosystem area (Governance), the data management, analytical, visualization and Power BI administration issues discussed in the forum have tremendous relevance to the problems I deal with daily.

Thus, while I’m always interested in looking at people’s Ecosystem “tag”, for me Ecosystems just doesn’t meet a unique need. However, for others it may and I greatly appreciate your continual efforts to experiment with new services in order to add additional value to our eDNA membership.

Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback - I hope this is helpful to you.

  • Brian
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If you have any questions regarding this post, feel free to re-open the thread by removing the Solution tag first by clicking the three dots beside Reply and then untick the checkbox. You may check this how-to guide for reference - How To Use The Enterprise DNA Support Forum Thanks!

Could it be possible to add my Business Category which is “Landscapers”. Surely that category could help many of people working in the same business than me.

Thanks for your answer !

Thanks will look into this

Somehow we need to build up even more engagement with our Ecosystems. We truly believe there is immense value with this initiative and we will continue to look to our crowd (you all) to learn more about how we can make it better


Addition by substraction. I see a huge amount of different ecosystems divided between business functions and industries (why?). I would reduce the amount of different ecosystems to a max of around 8. Most likely you will get ecosystems with more (active) members, which will also make it easier to conduct initiatives to improve engagement between members.

Appreciate the feedback. Will have a think about this