Help with improving the performance

Hello everyone,

Can anyone help in optimizing the DAX or provide me with an option to improve the performance ?
I am using Direct Query method to get the underlying data set.

SQL : select Store, Score, Rank, Region, State from score;

I have attached the PBI file with sample dataset.
PBI_DAX_Optimisation.pbix (32.9 KB)

Store Score Rank Region State
ABC 56 3 A1 S1
BCD 75 2 A1 S1
EFG 89 2 A1 S1
GHI 20 3 A2 S1
LMN 10 3 A2 S1
STU 99 1 A2 S1
QVW 91 1 A3 S3
JJJ 60 2 A3 S3
DDI 100 1 A3 S3
MJM 59 3 A3 S3

I have to group the store based on the ranking and number of stores at State and Region level.

I am using the is measure to get

Rank1 =
var rowcount = COUNTROWS(FILTER(Score,Score[Rank]==1))
If(rowcount = Blank(),0,rowcount)

On the real dataset, it takes nearly 20seconds to load Ranking table visual.
Any ideas on improving the performance of the visual?


Hi @stellaj,

Can you please test a function like the one below and tell me if performances are better ?

Rank1 bis =
IF( SELECTEDVALUE( Score[Rank] ) = 1, 1, 0 )

I think it could be better because you remove the table function.
It’s difficult for me to test it, because it is really fast on my computer…

I hope it will help you :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Thanks for reply JBocher.
I tried the function, it is not working at Region/State level

Rank1 bis =
IF( SELECTEDVALUE( Score[Rank] ) = 1, 1, 0 )

And add the measure at “Region level”
Region,Rank1,Rank2,Rank3,No.of Stores,Rank1 bis

Not sure, what I am doing wrong.

Any suggestions ?

@stellaj How many rows are there in the table?

1000 rows

@stellaj 1000 rows in real dataset and you are using DirectQuery? Also 1000 rows are not enough to make that trivial code slow. Something is missing here…

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@AntrikshSharma the report uses Direct Query method to source the data from Snowflake. And we are seeing very bad performance on all the visuals. This ranking visual takes 35sec to load (ranking and number of stores at State and Region level)

Bumping this post for more visibility.

Hello @stellaj while waiting for other members to jump in, I suggest using the forum search to discover if your query has been asked before by another member. Thanks!

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