Heathcare & Power BI Groups


Looking for anyone willing to talk healthcare metrics, patient’s serviced, patient “length of stay”, and so much more. Are there any groups out their speaking healthcare AND Power BI?


Hi @nelife,

Its sad to see your post looking so lonely.

I’m currently building a Power BI model for a healthcare business - and will be looking at patient metrics at some stage, but not there yet.

My healthcare setting might be different to yours, but I’m still keen to talk healthcare metrics -

My client has field staff, who visit patients. Eventually I want my model to assist with rostering for example, so our metric requirements will differ a little, but I’m sure there will be plenty of overlap.


Hi Jeremy, sorry yes, sorry for not replying.

From my end not a huge amount I can add. Hopefully this can get more traction soon.


Thanks all. Not surprising healthcare lacks behind.