Hi All,
This is a follow up from this thread
which @Harsh helped me to find a solution but I have come up with another issue which I am struggling to do.
What am I struggling to do?
- Grouping projects into pots
- Moving the filter context between periods to get information from one month-end into another month-end.
1 Grouping projects into pots
Thanks to @Harsh I was able to calculate the 3 measures I wanted Lost projects, Confirmed projects and New Projects from one month to the next. I am now trying to group these measures into “Lost”, “Confirmed” and “New Projects” so I can visualize what is happening from one month to the next. Here is a screenshot of what I have calculated and you will see that in table 1 the Lost project revenue amount is 4.7m but when I do the grouping in table 2 the lost project amount is only 4.3m so it is missing a couple of projects e.g UK000665.000 (100,000). I am not sure how to fix so when I group them I can get the correct number. I have used a disconnected table and a measure to try to group and all the measures are in the file attached.
2 Changing the filter context
The next thing I am trying to do is for example if a project in Nov 2021 was lost in Dec 21 I want to be able to manipulate the filter context so I can populate the reason it was lost i.e Column “Closed Notes” in the pipelinetracker data. For example project UK000556 was Step I in Oct 21, Nov 21 and then became Step D in December meaning it is lost, I want to display all of the lost projects in Dec 21 and along side the projects ,revenue amount and the “Closed notes”
At the moment I think because of the way the measure has been calculated the “Closed Notes” Column is displaying blanks and am really not sure how to fix it. The challenge here is really understanding how to manipulate the filter context around periods and I am struggling.
Your help will be appreciated.
Here is attached file.
Pipeline Tracker - Grouping and Finding Closed Notes following period.pbix (263.3 KB)