Hi can someone tell me why my graph is showing 177.48 when the measure is 88.74 that should be showing on the graph?
Dan Capacity Calculation.pbix (821.3 KB)
Hi can someone tell me why my graph is showing 177.48 when the measure is 88.74 that should be showing on the graph?
Dan Capacity Calculation.pbix (821.3 KB)
@Krays23 Because you aren’t using the column from Part Group Table? Also, a great looking report.
Hi @Kray23, we aim to consistently improve the topics being posted on the forum to help you in getting a strong solution faster. While waiting for a response, here are some tips so you can get the most out of the forum and other Enterprise DNA resources.
I also suggest that you check the forum guideline How To Use The Enterprise DNA Support Forum. Not adhering to it may sometimes cause delay in getting an answer.
Please also check the How To Mask Sensitive Data thread for some tips on how to mask your pbix file.
HI ok i see that now.
However why does it not work when i put program in there instead of Part group it appears to double every value
See photo why is jan 2020 parogram 177.48 it shoulgd be 88.74
Dan Capacity Calculation 2.pbix (547.9 KB)
Many thanks i understand thank you