Grand Totals numbers not correct

Hi, I’ve been trying to calculate the grand totals but I don’t understand why it is not calculating the right amount.

Below you can see the table with the amounts that I have in different measures.


As you can see the total that PBI calculates is showing 83.24 when the correct amount for the net expense is 69.05. Because of this issue, I’m having incorrect grand totals for all my PR calculated measures. Now, the PR TCE Cal takes the total of PR Net revenue - PR Net expenses and then divides the total by the 31 days. I notice that the PR TCE Cal is correct per line but the total amount is incorrect since it is taking the incorrect totals of the revenue and the expenses.

This is the DAX code I’m using for the measures

PR TCO Hire = 
VAR TotalTCOHire = 
    SUMX('VPR Raw Data','VPR Raw Data'[TCO Hire])
VAR TotalVoyageDays = 
    SUMX('VPR Raw Data','VPR Raw Data'[Voyage Days])
DIVIDE(TotalTCOHire,TotalVoyageDays) * [Prorated days]

Can anyone please share some light on this issue?

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Welcome to the forum
Would you be able to upload the pbix file please so can have a look?

Also could you add as seperate measures in the table shown above the variables that your calculating.

Sounds like you need to use the SUMMARIZE function. Please post a sample OBIX file in the future in order to get a quicker response on the forum. Check out this video from Sam for the logic.

Here is a sample Measure that I use in one of my reports with this logic:
WIP Remain =
Job_Mgmt_Report[Job #],
“Estimated Revenue”, [Estimated Rev Total],
“%Budget Remain”, [% Budget Remain#]
[Estimated Revenue] * [%Budget Remain]


The data I’m using is sensitive data from my company and I’m not allowed to share it but, this is the DAX code I used for the PR Net Rev

PR Net Revenue =

[PR Freight] + [PR TCO Hire] - [PR Address Comm] - [PR Broker Comm] + [PR Demurrage] + [PR Other Revenue] - [PR Offhire and Adj]

Now for the individual measures, for example, for PR Freight this is the code (I use the same code for all measures the only difference is the column that is referenced on the first variance, in this example is the Freight column) :

PR Freight =

VAR TotalFreight =

SUMX(‘VPR Raw Data’,‘VPR Raw Data’[Freight])


VAR TotalVoyageDays =

SUMX(‘VPR Raw Data’,‘VPR Raw Data’[Voyage Days])


DIVIDE(TotalFreight,TotalVoyageDays) * [Prorated days]

For Prorated days:

Prorated days = VALUE(SUMX(‘VPR Raw Data’,‘VPR Raw Data’[Prorated End date] -‘VPR Raw Data’[Prorated Start Date]))

Hi Ojones,

Can you expand on how I can use the SUMMARIZE function?

This is the DAX code I used for the Net Rev

PR Net Revenue =

[PR Freight] + [PR TCO Hire] - [PR Address Comm] - [PR Broker Comm] + [PR Demurrage] + [PR Other Revenue] - [PR Offhire and Adj]

Now for the individual measures, for example, for PR Freight this is the code (I use the same code for all measures the only difference is the column that is referenced on the first variance, in this example is the Freight column) :

PR Freight =

VAR TotalFreight =

SUMX(‘VPR Raw Data’,‘VPR Raw Data’[Freight])


VAR TotalVoyageDays =

SUMX(‘VPR Raw Data’,‘VPR Raw Data’[Voyage Days])


DIVIDE(TotalFreight,TotalVoyageDays) * [Prorated days]

For Prorated days:

Prorated days = VALUE(SUMX(‘VPR Raw Data’,‘VPR Raw Data’[Prorated End date] -‘VPR Raw Data’[Prorated Start Date]))


Here a couple of links that will explain in detail the SUMMARIZE function. Sam has some great content on this function. This is the main function I use when I’m not getting the correct total for measures. Not saying it is the only way, but it is definitely my go to for this type of solution.


Thank you very much, Jarrett (@JarrettM),

The videos were very informative. I fixed the issue using the following code:

PR Freight =
SUMX(SUMMARIZE(VALUES(‘VPR Raw Data’),‘VPR Raw Data’[Vessel/Voy],
“Freight”,SUM(‘VPR Raw Data’[Freight]),
“Voyage days”, SUM(‘VPR Raw Data’[Voyage Days])),
DIVIDE([Freight],[Voyage days]) * [Prorated days])

This solved my total issues for each one of my measures.

Thank you again.


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