GeoServer - how to connect with Power BI

Anyone has experience with connecting to GeoServer DB with Power BI? Even a workaround would be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish but I have some experience with GeoServer DB and Power BI. If I remember correctly I used the R library geosapi but that was mostly because I was using the R Visual already and that made it easier. Before I say anymore though, can you describe a little bit about what you are trying to use GeoServer DB for within Power BI.

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Hi Brad, thanks a lot for getting back to me! In this case GeoServer is used to store

  • vegetation data based on satellite images
  • visual inspection data of electrical networks with the help of machine learning - the data collection is done automatically with a drone or a car mounted camera system

Now we would like to create a dashboard in Power BI and process the stored data there. I was able to export an XML from the geoserver and use that as a data source in PBI, but I don’t really understand the structure yet and haven’t figured out how to get that to a map visual and how to process further.
Your help would be highly appreciated!

Hmm… I’d need an example PBIX to be able to directly address this answer but off the top of my head the easiest solution would be to have GeoServer DB create a geoJSON file instead of an XML, which will allow you to use Map Shaper to convert it to topoJSON.

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Hi @nemethn, we’ve noticed that no response has been received from you since the 3rd of February We are waiting for the masked demo pbix file, images of the entire scenario you are dealing with, screenshot of the data model, details of how you want to visualize a result, and any other supporting links and details.

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