Gantt Chart With Dropdowns

Hi is it possible to create a Gantt chart which has userdropdown for the project task?


  1. User enters a project start date cell E2, this then becomes the start date of the first project task cell D5
  2. The user uses the dropdown to pick a project task e.g. Task 1, cell B5
  3. The days this task takes is held within a task table so auto updates column C, the number of days a task takes is pre-defined
  4. The end date for the first Task 1 is then auto calculated from the Start Date + Days
  5. The Start date of the next task is end date of previous task + 1 day
  6. User then selects next Task and so on

The difficulty is that column B needs to be a manual selection, the tasks are not always done in a set order so the sequence can be any order as per the project requirement, so as you can see in my example the Task numbers are not in sequence and the sequence could change once the project has started so the user needs the ability to use the dropdown and change the Task order

Is this even possible in PBI?

Any guidance would be much appreciated

Hi @BCS,

The process you’ve described is applicable to excel or similar programs that allow direct data entry. However in Power BI you connect to a data source (which could be set up like this) but manual data entery from a PBI report page is not intended. Typically you would update the Source file (this can also include a Sort order column), Refresh the dataset and visualize the gant chart based on the data from that external file.

However if you want users to interact with source data, you can explore streaming datasets but the user experience won’t be anything like Excel.

Or even better, explore a combination of PowerApps and Power Automate, again no Excel like experience but can be fully customized and include custom logic to fit your business requirements like dropdown lists, calculations and so on.

I hope this is helpful

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Hi @Melissa thanks for the reply.

I did think that PBI wasn’t really suited for full on data entry but I wanted to check with you guys in case I was wrong.

Thanks for the links, I will have a look at them.