Formatting Time and doing further calculations

Hello. I have a column “Hold Time”. This Column Originally Displayed time as for example 0.00:00:07

I Transformed it to Total Minutes and it gave me a column “Hold Minutes” showing above time as 0.116666667

I used this to Create a Measure “Average Hold Minutes” and it worked fine.

Since this Hold time is also Same as time taken to answer a call, I Now need to calculate Number of calls & % of calls that were answered in less than 60 seconds and Those that were answered in less than 30 seconds.

I can do this by creating another column Converting “HoldTime” to Seconds and creating these measures,

Is there a better way to handle this ? a Smart way ? so I can avoid creating this new Column

Hi @jps, I noticed you didn’t provide a PBIX file. Providing one will help users and experts find a solution to your inquiry faster and better.

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Hi @jps,

You can leverage the Hold Minutes column for that as well. Just create a small supporting table

Seconds Minutes
30 0,5
60 1

and measures like:

# of calls in less than = 
        Hold[Hold Minutes] <= MAX( 'Duration'[Minutes] )

a percentage would be something like

% of calls in less than =

DIVIDE( [# of calls in less than], _TotalRows )


I hope this is helpful


Hi @jps, good to see you are having progress in your inquiry.

Did the response provided by @Melissa help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!

Thank You Melissa

That had got me exactly what i was looking for. :slight_smile:

Appreciate your support