Formatting columns of Data but only for YTD figures

Hi everyone,
I am trying to see if it is possible to have conditional formatting of some sort for my monthly columns.

Assume below table as an example. Given that we are in November at the moment, I would like the background or the figures themselves to change colour for all months until November but not the December as it is in the future.

Is there any easy way to get this done?

Jan.19 Feb.19 Mar.19 Apr.19 May.19 Jun.19 Jul.19 Aug.19 Sep.19 Oct.19 Nov.19 Dec.19
Product A 5000 6000 5500 4500 8000 6500 7000 6800 5000 5200 8500 7000
Product B 5700 6700 6200 5200 8700 7200 7700 7500 5700 5900 9200 7700
Product C 5450 6450 5950 4950 8450 6950 7450 7250 5450 5650 8950 7450


Yes, this can be done pretty easily through a single measure:

Month to Date = 

VAR CurrentMonth = MONTH( TODAY() )
VAR CurrentYear = YEAR( TODAY() )

        MONTH( SELECTEDVALUE( Dates[MonthInCalendar] )) <= CurrentMonth &&  
        YEAR( SELECTEDVALUE( Dates[MonthInCalendar] )) <= CurrentYear,
    VALUES( Dates[MonthInCalendar] )

Then just select this measure in the Background conditional formatting options under Field Value:


Shout out to @JarrettM, who I learned this trick from.

Full solution file posted below.


Thank you, @BrianJ