I have a forecast based on contract end dates that forecasts out using a compound price increase on each anniversary. The Y/N relates to whether a price increase should be applied. All years use the same %age increase per year compounded based on a PriceToThePower column calulated in Query Editor (there may be an easier way to do this)
I’d like to make the model more flexible and have the %age increase variable for the first 3 years then using Yr 3 %age for Yrs 4 & 5 so in this case ( It may be easier to have complete flexibility and have parameters for all 5 years?)
2021-11 to 2022-10 would be 367 * 1.05 = £385
2022-11 to 2023-10 would be 385 * 1.025 = 395
2023-11 to 2024-10 would be 395 * 1.02 less 395 * 0.5% attrition
2024-11 to 2025-10 would be 401 * 1.02 less 401 * 0.5% attrition
2025-11 to 2025-10 would be 407 * 1.02 less 407 * 0.5% attrition
A SWITCH (TRUE ()) construct should work perfectly here. Please check out the post below from Expert @Harsh where he shows how to implement this with a compound condition in the first parameter of the SWITCH(TRUE()) using “&&”. That’s the way the cool kids do it, which is equivalent to the more formal construct of using AND(condition 1, condition 2), which in your case will be greater than or equal to the first date and less than or equal to the second date.
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