I need to find the matching string as the data was collected from students. Each student has selected his group members. Now, it is required to find the distinct groups amongst the rows of the same column. For reference;
The issue is that students selected the registration numbers of their group members in different order from drop down list.
Is there any simple way to find the distinct groups from the list?List of Groups.xlsx (11.0 KB)
I’m not really sure how you want to move on from here but if you want to deal with this in Power Query. Give this a go, just paste this into a new blank query
Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("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", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [#"Mid-Term (4)" = _t]),
AddCustom = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Custom", each
t= [#"Mid-Term (4)"],
myFx = Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(";"),
CallFx = List.Sort( myFx(t)),
myString = Text.Combine( CallFx, ";" )
myString, type text
GroupRows = Table.Group(AddCustom, {"Custom"}, {{"Row Count", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type}, {"AllRows", each _, type table [#"Mid-Term (4)"=nullable text, Custom=text]}})
This query splits your string, sorts the values and puts them back together again - before grouping them. So if you click of to the side in the white space in the final column (next to the text “table”) you’ll see a preview down below.