Filter To Show All With Atleast 1 Match


I have a filter to select fruits. When selecting the fruit (Eg:- Apple) it filters the table accordingly. What I really want to be able to do is if Appleis selected, find the clients that purchased Apple and show all products purchased for those matching clients.

In this case I want the table to shows all of Joe’s purchases (Apple & Orange) as he purchased apple (See highlighted in attached pic for expected output).

Would appreciate if someone point me as to which of the training modules or post has something similar as I would like to try and solve it myself and then post back if i run into any issues.


Hi there,

That’s not how filter works. if you select apple in filter that what you get that only have apples.

It works the same way if you do it in excel.

i guess i’ll keep my comments to myself



Kudos to you for wanting to work this out on your own. Let me try to drop a few breadcrumbs that might put you on a useful trail:

Search the forum for “disconnected table”

Depending on how you structure your solution, this might also be a useful tool in your toolbox:

I hope these prove helpful. Good luck!

  • Brian

@BrianJ Thanks for breadcrumbs. I had play with the 'CONCATENATEX " function and this will not work for me as the values all fit within a cell whereas i need each of those values to be separated out into individual rows.

The contains function worked a treat. I was able to join the disconnected tables with that function. However i still cannot figure out how to obtain all transactions for ‘Joe’ (i.e- Apples & Orange) if Apple is selected.

The only other possible solution is if Apple is selected in the filter, then I want to separate out all the unique Client and then use countrows with values to match the client names and pull out every transaction but I can’t seem to obtain a set of unique filtered client names as there are duplicates.

Here’s a sample copy of PBIX
Sample.pbix (29.0 KB)


Glad you found that helpful. By the way, CONCATENATEX will work – you just need to combine it with the code for hard return, UNICHAR(10). In the link below, you’ll find a bunch of posts where I use this combination to return a scalar that actually looks like a multiline table. It’s an incredibly useful and flexible combination:

I’ll take a look at your other issue and hopefully get back to you soon with a proposed solution.

– Brian


Lot of different ways you could go to get to a solution on this one. Here’s the path I took using a
disconnected table slicer and the IN operator.

Note: I built this to allow multi-select in the slicer, but it still works even if you use only single select.

Keep Buyers = 

VAR SelDisconnFruit = VALUES( 'Disconn Fruit'[Brand] )
VAR SelClient = SELECTEDVALUE( Data[Client] )

VAR Buyers =
    DISTINCT( Data[Client] ),
    Data[Fruit] IN SelDisconnFruit

VAR BuyerIn =
IF( SelClient IN Buyers, 1, 0 )




I hope this is helpful. Full solution file attached below.

– Brian
eDNA Forum – Disconnected Client Selection Solution.pbix (29.6 KB)

@BrianJ Thank you so much for your assistance. Much appreciated!

Exactly what I was after!


My pleasure – glad that worked well for you. You always have interesting questions, and this one had a number of aspects I want to delve a bit deeper into, so I’m in the process of making a video based on it. Look for it within the next couple of weeks on the Enterprise DNA YouTube channel.

  • Brian

@BrianJ Brilliant stuff!! I look forward to it & Thank you once again!


FYI - the video inspired by your question posted today.


  • Brian
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Thanks @BrianJ much appreciated!!

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