Feb 2021 Power BI Desktop Release


I don’t want to tread on @marcster_uk’ s corner here, but the new Power BI Desktop release is out after the annual holiday hiatus. Nothing earth shattering this month, but a lot of nice UI features and enhancements.


Plus, they’ve improved the small multiples visual as a thanks to @MudassirAli for the nice things he said about it in his video. :grinning:

  • Brian

Hi @BrianJ,


Added two new filter operations for Text datatypes: is empty and is not empty.

Colour Picker improvements.

Added support for calculated tables in this release.

Tables added through external tools will now appear as queries once you re-open your report.


Nice one.

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“Added two new filter operations for Text datatypes: is empty and is not empty”

Reminds me of this…


Hmmm, I do not see the help search bar? is there a setting or something I’ve missed?..

This new diagram change is bad for people with many tables, it was easier to identify Dimension/Fact with 1 or * attached right next to the table.

Makes it difficult to differentiate in chains of relationship.

Also, when you right on a table on the fields pane, and create a new measure, have they moved New column to the top of the list? Seem to think that New measure was the first one.

Ah, they have added to the blog post:

Please note that this feature is only available in English (United States) right now.

Really good short summary of all the new features in the Feb 2021 Update:

This is a confirmed bug that will be fixed soon as per Microsoft.