Excel Workout 1 - Conditional Summation

Hi Ilgar!

Thanks for your solution. I think isn’t a good idea to use a mm-dd-yyyy format in dates, because it depends on regional configuration of every computer. The recommendation is to use the DATE function, or just use the “Generic Format” (yyyy-mm-dd) that works in every regional configuration.

Your formulas could be written like this:


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Felt great working with Dates and Conditional Aggregation Functions!

Conditional Summation





Dynamic Calculations

I’ve created a table where the user can specify the fruit and the period start and end dates to calculate the total kgs sold.



Sharing the workbook here:
Challenge #1_Homesh Agarwal.xlsx (16.7 KB)

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@IlgarZarbaliyev - If we consider the statement “All apples until September 9, 2021” then the date “09-09-2021” should be included in the timeframe. Isn’t it?


By the way here’s is my submission - Challenge #1.xlsx (8.3 MB)

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Thank you for your solution. Until means the time is not included.



Challenge #1.xlsx (8.3 MB)