Hello @rit372002,
Yes, you can conditionally hide a card in Power Bi based on field values
You need 2 DAX measures that should be formatted as TEXT:
- to conditionally format the font
Font Color Switch = var a = SELECTEDVALUE('Table'[Value]) RETURN SWITCH( true(), a=0,"#FFFFFF00", "252423")
- to conditionally format the background
Background Color Switch = var a = SELECTEDVALUE('Table'[Value]) RETURN SWITCH( true(), a=0,"#FFFFFF00", "#A0D1FF")
The two measures will bring the HEX code #FFFFFF which corresponds to white, but what makes it transparent is the 00 at the end. If you use DAX you can add transparency directly in the code.
Then you have to go to FORMAT/ Data label / click on FX and choose your measure
and FORMAT/ Background/ click on FX and choose your measure
I created a sample ex for you,
Highlight invisible card.pbix (16.3 KB)
Best regards,